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9 folk remedies from decubituses

Any of us is not insured from a heavy illness of the loved one. Happens and so that someone from family members becomes the bed patient, and remains in such state for a long time. It extremely suppresses both the most injured, and all its house which life considerably changes.

Except the help of doctors and moral support of relatives, the bed patient needs ezhednevy sanitary and hygienic leaving. Especially burning issue is represented by decubituses – the damages developing against the background of a constant prelum of skin in those places where the body of the patient adjoins to a bed surface. The fabrics deprived of normal inflow of blood very quickly are exposed to necrosis. Without due treatment it can lead to damage of extensive sites of skin and hypodermic fabrics and even distribution of process of a nekrotization deep into, up to destruction of bones. The general sepsis is not excluded. The patient at the same time feels severe pain, quality of his life seriously decreases.

There are many national recipes of fight against decubituses. Some of them by efficiency can compete with the medicines recommended by official medicine.

1. Mix of essential oils

About 5 drops of essential oils of a tea tree, camomiles are a part of remedy and 12 drops of oil of a lavender and two tablespoons of oil jojoba are quiet (Myrrha). Mix is well shaken up and stored in the cool dark place. For treatment of decubituses apply 2-6 drops of funds on each wound two times a day. The greased damages cover with a dry gauze.

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2. Camphoric alcohol

The structure for cleaning of a body surface is trained from camphoric alcohol and children's hypoallergenic shampoo (in equal proportions). Daily wipe with mix skin. The procedure leaves feeling of freshness and purity that significantly facilitates a condition of patients.

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3. Calendula

Small damages are well healed by the ointment made of flowers of a calendula (marigold). For its receiving 20 g of dry vegetable raw materials crush in the coffee grinder and carefully mix from 50 g of vaseline. Apply on ulcers 1-2 times a day.


4. Beeswax

Pure beeswax (30 g) is dissolved in 100 g of the sunflower oil which is previously brought to boiling. After careful hashing and cooling mix is ready to the use. Problem zones can be greased 2-3 times a day.

This means is used for prevention of emergence of decubituses and accelerates healing of already appeared damages. Use demands care: ointment cannot be used for treatment of the patients inclined to an allergy to beekeeping products.

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5. Onions

Two bulbs clear, crush, mix with two tablespoons of vegetable oil and cook within 20 minutes in the enameled capacity. Then filter hot, wringing out a thick. In the turned-out oil kindle a quarter of a wax (church) candle. The cooled-down ointment is stored in the refrigerator, applying on decubituses 2 times a day.

Means is considered one of the most effective.

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6. Wheat grains

Grains steam out in boiled water, then ottsezhivat water, and place warm wheat in the small portions in the sacks sewed from fine cotton fabric. Poultices need to be enclosed under decubituses daily and to hold for 4 hours.

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7. Baking soda

Soda lotions use for disinfecting and dehumidification of the becoming wet sites of skin. For holding a procedure the teaspoon of soda is dissolved in a glass of the boiling water. Solution is slightly cooled, moisten with it a linen napkin which warm is put to wounds.

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8. Broth of officinal herbs

In case of development of purulent processes of a wound disinfect broth of a camomile pharmaceutical and a sage (2 tablespoons) in 500 ml of water. Means is prepared on the water bath within 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and used for washing of the damaged sites.

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9. Potatoes

Crude potatoes contain the substances promoting healing of wounds. For preparation of means for 100 g of the pulp of a root crop crushed on a small grater add a honey teaspoon. Mix is smeared on a napkin with a layer of 1 cm and fixed on the problem place for 20 minutes.


In fight against decubituses quick start of treatment and a regularity of holding procedures is especially important. Skin of the patient needs to be kept clean, to try that it was dry. It is necessary as often as possible to help the patient to change a pose.

Big help is existence of the antidecubital mattress supporting air circulation and a tone of skin. Adaptation can be manufactured independently: for this purpose sew a special cellular cover from natural fabric and fill its departments with millet or the crude oats.

Decubituses develop not at all bed patients. In risk group there are patients suffering from a diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and also people, because of the state of health or old age not capable to control natural departures. They need especially attentive supervision. At emergence of the very first signs of injury of skin it is necessary to take urgent measures as decubituses progress extremely actively and quickly create problems with which to cope very not easy.

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