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17 week of pregnancy

On the 17th week of pregnancy the age of future child of 15 weeks, is the first week of the fifth lunar month of pregnancy.Размер плода на 17 неделе беременности - около 12 см

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 17th week of pregnancy from the top of the head to a tailbone makes about 12 cm, it weighs already 130 g, that is its "dimensions" can be compared to grapefruit.

On this term the kid is active, it constantly turns, moves handles and legs, turns over in mother's womb. If pregnancy the first, then most often does not feel mother of the movement of a fruit on this term, and multipara women can distinguish quite clearly the pushes and blows made by a fruit.

Adjournment of calcium in a cartilaginous basis of a skeleton of a fruit therefore on ultrasonography in 17 weeks of pregnancy it is possible to see clearly separate bones continues, during the research some of them measure and compare to average values to specify compliance of the sizes of a fruit to duration of gestation.

On the 17th week of pregnancy future kid already hears, his acoustic analyzer is well developed. And here a vestibular part of an inner ear should be created up to the end later.

From 17th week of pregnancy the immune system of a fruit begins to synthesize immunoglobulins and interferona – the protective proteins helping to resist to infections.

Big changes happen in endocrine system of future child, adrenal glands intensively work, and departments of a brain a hypophysis and a hypothalamus begin to synchronize work of each other and internals intensively.

The fruit on the 17th week of pregnancy still looks extended and thin, but at it so-called brown fat begins to be laid in shovels. Distinctive feature of this fatty tissue is that it is very high-energy, and brown color gives it a set of mitochondrions in which high-energy substances are formed. Brown fatty tissue is intended in order that right after the birth when digestion of the newborn was not established yet to support his forces. Therefore it quickly resolves in the first week after the birth.

Fruit heart is actively reduced, through a stomach on the 17th week of pregnancy it is possible to listen that heart rate makes 150 – 160 beats per minute.

By means of ultrasonography on the 17th week of pregnancy it is possible to define clearly a sex of future child if it does not close generative organs legs.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 17th week of pregnancy

On the 17th week of pregnancy the uterus changes a form – it not such any more round as earlier, and rather ovoid. Because of the growing uterus the stomach on the 17th week of pregnancy is excreted below, height of standing of an upper part of a uterus of a navel 2 cm lower than level a little.Живот на 17 неделе беременности выделяется снизу

Health of future mother good, pains on the 17th week of pregnancy are not characteristic if everything goes according to the plan. The body center of gravity because of what it is heavy to transfer long loadings standing is gradually displaced. Doctors advise in this case a thicket to have a rest and not to wear shoes on a high heel.

In the second trimester heartburn and an eructation acid can disturb the woman, often for the first time similar manifestations arise on the 17th week of pregnancy. As the reason of it serve hormonal changes in an organism since progesterone (pregnancy hormone) relaxes muscles which close transition from a gullet to a stomach. One more contributing factor – a uterus grows and presses on a stomach from below. As a result acid contents of a stomach can easily get into a gullet.

Sometimes the woman is disturbed by allocations on the 17th week of pregnancy from mammary glands. It is not dangerous, the organism is adjusted on feeding by a breast after the birth of the kid. Hypostases standing should not remain unaddressed, it can be one of gestosis symptoms (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy).

Inspection on the 17th week of pregnancy

On the 17th week of pregnancy the woman has planned examinations and inspections. By this time surely it is necessary to make blood tests on such infections as HIV and syphilis. In the presence of similar diseases or a carriage what preventive treatment will begin earlier, especially effective it will appear for future child.

17 weeks of pregnancy – time when the blood koagulogramm needs to make. This analysis will show a condition of coagulability, so, and readiness to stop blood loss in labor. Low coagulability of blood gives in to correction as a result of a preventive course of therapy.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.