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Products for healthy nutrition

Products for healthy nutrition make a basis of a healthy diet of the person. Свежие фрукты и овощи - продукты для правильного питанияWhat food is considered correct? What enters the concept "products for healthy nutrition"? How it is correct to pick up the diet which is most corresponding to requirements of an organism?

Healthy nutrition: what is to be healthy?

Before defining what is products for healthy nutrition, it is necessary to deal with a concept of the healthiest nutrition that is from products, in what quantities and what ways to process them. The healthy nutrition assumes an integrated approach to catering services, the organism satisfying all needs for nutrients and energy value promoting its growth and development. Healthy nutrition the organization of a diet and actually a diet log in. The healthy nutrition is regulated by certain principles:

  • Balance of energy value of a diet and metabolic cost of the person – the correct organization of a diet;
  • Balance of vitamins, micro and macrocells, and also proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • The correct distribution of food during the day – the correct organization of a diet;
  • Actually diet (number of meals, intervals between receptions);
  • Ways of preparation of dishes;
  • Individual factors: age, weight, the social status, a way of life, the general the states of health defining requirement of an organism at a given time.

Having organized the mode of healthy nutrition that is and to what products to give preference remains a paramount task. Products for healthy nutrition, first of all, have to be safe for health of the person that is defined by their freshness and a period of validity, contents in their composition of harmful vegetable impurity, biological objects, dangerous chemical compounds.

Any "healthy" product can be transferred to the category of "harmful", having applied methods of heat treatment (for example, frying on animal fat), having added fat sauces, artificial seasonings, having combined with digestible carbohydrates.

Products for healthy nutrition: basis of a healthy diet

Conditionally all products which are present at a diet of the person can be divided on harmful and useful. Are included in the list of harmful products:

  • All fried food. However it is necessary to consider the applied roasting methods. For example, easy frying on olive oil will be less harmful, than frying of products on animal fats;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks, and also the drinks made from dry mixes;
  • Sausages and semi-finished products, smoked grades of meat and fish, canned food;
  • Fermented milk products with the high content of fats, cottage cheese desserts, fruit yogurts;
  • Majority of confectionery;
  • Snack (chips, nutlets, croutons and other delicacies);
  • The products containing dyes in high concentration;
  • Chocolate bars, milk chocolate with stuffings and without;
  • Fat grades of meat;
  • Animal fats;
  • All dishes from the menu of fast food restaurants, and also instant products;
  • Any alcoholic beverages;
  • Fancy bread and bakery products.

For healthy nutrition enter the list of useful products:

  • Grain – buckwheat, oat, wheat, rice grain;
  • Low-fat grades of meat and fish;
  • Fermented milk products with the low content of fats;
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • The purified water, green tea, freshly squeezed juice;
  • Dark chocolate, honey, dried fruits
  • Vegetable fats;
  • Whole-grain bread;
  • Eggs;
  • Bean.

The choice of products for healthy nutrition is not limited to these lists, however it is a basis of a healthy diet which will help to exclude harmful products from a diet already today, having replaced them with "healthy" alternatives.

Healthy nutrition: what food is better for the person?

Now there is a set of councils of nutritionists on the organization of healthy nutrition. What food the best for the person? It is necessary to approach the organization of healthy food, proceeding from individual factors. The choice of products for healthy nutrition is defined not only by parameters of their safety, harm and usefulness, but also age of the person, the state of health, associated diseases, a way of life.Мед и сухофрукты - десертные продукты для правильного питания

During active growth products of high nutritional value are necessary for an organism. The range of products for healthy nutrition can be significantly limited by diseases of cardiovascular system, a GIT, and also a condition of the person (food during pregnancy and after the delivery, during recovery after the postponed diseases, the athlete's food before competitions).

The way of life substantially defines energy value of a diet of the person, its structure. At companion problems of excess weight, the broken metabolism it is also necessary to approach carefully the choice of products, having enriched a diet with cellulose, products with the low content of fats.

The main principle of healthy nutrition what promotes normal activity of an organism is moderate consumption of food. The excessive use even of products for healthy nutrition will do essential harm to an organism in the form of dysfunction and gastrointestinal diseases, disturbance of a hormonal background, mental disorders, discomfort, weight, obesity, limitation of a way of life.

Safety of food stuffs: what it is necessary to exclude from a diet

Safety of food stuffs – one of the most important factors of a healthy lifestyle. Safety of products is defined not only their quality, structure, but also freshness at a stage of their use. Contents in products of chemical compounds, radionuclides, biological substances, harmful vegetable impurity represents threat for health of the person. Pollution of foodstuff can be a physical, chemical and microbic origin (content of impurity of foreign bodys in products, the content in them of pesticides and nitrates, microorganisms).

How to secure the diet? At the choice of safe products for healthy nutrition it is necessary to exclude:

  • The products containing GMO – the legislation regulates obligatory existence of marking on packagings of the products indicating existence or lack of GMO in their structure;
  • Products with high content of the additives changing their aroma, color and taste;
  • Products of long storage.

Safety of food stuffs also depends on the place of their implementation (specialized shops, the spontaneous markets). The long use of the products containing additives and GMO considerably worsens quality of a diet and significantly influences the state of health of the person, is shown in the form of increased fatigue, decrease in working capacity, mental disorders, discomfort in a GIT, its dysfunction, allergic reactions of an organism. The key products containing the greatest number of nutritional supplements are smoked products, fish and meat delicacies, sausages, yogurts (the products undergoing industrial processing, mixing process).

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The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.