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Rating of the strangest methods of weight loss

1. Самовнушение для похудения
1. Auto-suggestion for weight loss
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So, sit down conveniently and repeat about yourself that you weigh N of kilograms (how many – you will choose). According to an auto-suggestion technique subconsciousness will surely apprehend necessary information, and after a while you really will begin to weigh so much how many want. Why this method in rating? Tell and whether you saw at least one person who lost weight by such method?
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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Auto-suggestion – the idea not silly, it is simple "to samovnushat" it is necessary, say, not body capacities, but love to healthy nutrition, harm of meal before going to bed, or to intensive squeezing and swing of a press. At the same time also find out that you do not love most of all.
2. Молитва для похудения
2. A prayer for weight loss
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The method is very simple in use. Find in the Internet a prayer according to religious beliefs and regularly you pray. All religions of the world condemn gluttony. The highest force through a prayer delegates to you powers on healthy nutrition and gives freedom of choice. But, frankly speaking to tell, the prayer on "help me to get rid of excess weight, oh my God" looks more than strange.
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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Support a prayer with real actions. There is nothing bad at all that for support you address the highest forces. Just it has to be the address confirmed with some real actions, but not just empty moaning. So if the morals allow you, you pray for overcoming certain difficulties, but not for getting rid of extra 10 kilos.
3. Заговор на похудение живота
3. A plot on weight loss of a stomach
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Actually, it is enough to stroke a notorious problem stomach handles and to whisper it a plot. It is strange only why by means of this method do not fool by fine words, and go to treat them to the stomatologist?
Как примениить с пользой?
How to primeniit with advantage?
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When absolutely it becomes heavy and very much, well there is a strong wish a piece of tasty cake or ice cream, the plot perfectly helps to distract from the notions of compulsion. For now you distract, you can think that at the time of the invention of similar plots stomachs were fashionable, one may say.
4. Заклинание на похудение
4. A spell on weight loss
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They say, the spell on weight loss can be effective. The spell can be any, from a wiccan esthetics to national country magic. Actually, this occupation extremely entertaining, especially if some cemeterial herbs or dried mouse tails appear in a ritual.
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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Yes in any way. Well, unless to study attentively various spells and to sit down to write a fantasy novels. It is also possible to earn additionally the witch part time. And if it is serious, then it is quite possible to use for auto-suggestion, but all the same you should not be fond excessively.
5. Аффирмации для похудения
5. Affirmation for weight loss
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Affirmation represent various positive statements which it is necessary to say and believe that sooner or later they materialize constantly. Affirmation cause accustoming and a special condition of consciousness when so-called spiritual growth is priority in the relation to real actions on improvement of a figure.
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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This method can be used successfully, preparing itself psychologically before any important and significant action. It can be psychological preparation before a rigid diet or before the first campaign to the gym. Affirmation – a measure of psychological support which is efficient only in a complex with real methods, but not independently.
6. Гипноз для похудения
6. Hypnosis for weight loss
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How works? It is possible to order a disk with some gipno-voiced or gipno-video, or to try to hypnotize itself independently. Here it should be taken into account that there are people not inspired at all. And in general, data can carry a method not to real work on themselves, and to imitation of rough activity.
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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Unfortunately, or fortunately, viewing of gipno-video hypnotized nobody yet. But if you want to apply with advantage, then try to address the professional hypnotist, or read professional literature about autogenic preparation.
7. Маги для похудения
7. Magicians for weight loss
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This method is special service in pumping out of cash from trustful citizens. Can represent anything, from rifts on a golovushka egg to a makhaniye over your top not really pure broom. There is a magician for weight loss approximately so much how many and services of the professional nutritionist. Only the nutritionist, unlike the magician, studied at institute and has qualification and experience of treatment of people.
Как применить с пользой?
How to apply with advantage?
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The advantage of the magician for weight loss can be only if you do not know where to spend money. Generally, methods for weight loss there is a set, but can you should not be dipped with the head into applied anthropology, and to decide at last and to make something useful to a body?


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