Main > Diseases> Allergy


АллергияGeneral characteristic of a disease

The allergy represents hyper reaction of an organism to influence of certain external factors and irritants which are perceived by it as potentially dangerous.

The answer of immunity to any antigens which intruded in an organism is very difficult and includes development of antibodies which are peculiar defenders of an organism. However there are situations when immunity "runs away" and begins to perceive absolutely harmless antigen as dangerous. At such moments destructive hyper reaction which is shown in the form of an allergy is also started.

Immunity is allocated with remarkable memory therefore if there was the first contact of an organism with alien substance, and the mechanism of development of antibodies for neutralization of antigens was started, then this process (allergy) will repeat at each new meeting with this antigen (allergen).

You can learn about folk remedies for treatment of an allergy on the website

Allergy reasons

Potentially practically any substance, and also certain physical factors, such, for example, as the low air temperature or influence of sunshine can become the reason of development of an allergy.

The irritants provoking an allergy depending on an origin are divided into several groups:

  • food;
  • pollen;
  • household;
  • medicinal;
  • epidermal (allergy to outside components of animals: wool, dandruff, claws, feathers etc.);
  • fungal and bacterial;
  • chemical;
  • other allergens.

All above-mentioned substances become allergens only if in immune system failure is observed, otherwise – they do not cause an allergy.

There are several major factors of risk of developing of an allergy:

  • Genetic predisposition. Estimates of researchers demonstrate that if hyper reaction is observed at one of parents, then the allergy at the child will be present with 30% probability. These data double if both parents have an allergy.
  • Smoking. For the people predisposed to an allergy, tobacco smoke is the activator of start of hyper reactions, and not only smokers, but also the people inhaling this smoke suffer from it.
  • Problems with upper respiratory tracts. Various respiratory infections and catarrhal diseases are the factors provoking an allergy that is explained by the fact that viruses, injuring a mucous membrane, facilitate penetration into an organism of allergens.

Allergy symptoms

This disease can proceed in several forms:

- allergy of respiratory tracts: symptoms of catarrhal diseases are characteristic: transparent allocations from a nose, repeated and frequent sneezing, however are shown they much longer;

- respiratory allergy: it is shown in the form of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma;

- conjunctivitis: allergy symptoms in this case are expressed by lachrymation and burning in eyes;

- enteropathy: in such look symptoms of an allergy to medicines and foodstuff are shown: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, intestinal gripes, lock, paraglossa and lips;

- acute anaphylaxis: this form of an allergy is the most dangerous and can be shown in an interval of several seconds till several o'clock (usually to five) from the moment of hit of allergen in an organism. The allergy to medicines or stings of animals which is expressed as follows can be the cause of an acute anaphylaxis: a loss of consciousness, spasms, a sharp otdyshka, vomiting, rash on a body, an uncontrollable urination and defecation. At manifestation of similar symptoms of an allergy it is necessary to call the ambulance immediately.

Manifestation an allergy on skin

This type of an allergy demonstrates that on mucous or allergen got to blood and is shown in the form of reddenings and an itch. The allergy on skin is most brightly shown on those sites to which or densely the clothes adjoin, or there is a large number of skin folds.

The allergy on skin can be an effect of food allergy as reaction of an organism to various food stuffs from which are the most potentially dangerous honey, whole milk, nuts, a citrus.

Not only food allergy, but also other types of this disease can cause manifestations on skin, so, for example, pollen, hair of animals, dust, household chemicals, medicines and some types of fabrics can also become allergens.

The allergy on skin differs from usual rashes in the fact that without elimination of allergen of a rash do not give in to medical influence.

Характерный признак аллергии у детей - сыпьAllergy at the child

Symptoms of an allergy at the child are similar to allergy symptoms at adults:

1. reddenings;

2. rash on a body, buttocks, cheeks;

3. peeling and irritation of skin of cheeks (diathesis);

4. excessive sweating even in cases of an easy overheat;

5. constant intertrigo;

6. small tortoiseshell;

7. a peeling on a pilar part of eyebrows and the heads;

8. various manifestations of disturbance of digestion;

9. Quincke's edema (sudden hypostasis of mucous membranes, skin, hypodermic cellulose);

10. goose breathing.

It is possible to reveal allergens at the child in several ways:

  • Attentive observation of parents of, when and under what conditions allergy symptoms at the child amplify; in particular, it is recommended to keep the food diary and to make in it entries, concerning reaction of an organism of the child to various food stuffs;
  • Specific tests, in particular, blood test on immunoglobulin E;
  • Scarifying tests which allow to reveal the substance causing an allergy in the child since five-year age: the minimum quantity of allergen is applied on skin of a forearm, and reaction of an organism to it is observed.

Display of an allergy at the child should be distinguished from pseudo-allergic reactions most of which often demonstrate disturbances in a condition of a digestive tract.

Treatment of an allergy

Основа лечения аллергии - антигистаминные препараты

Full elimination and treatment of an allergy has to include the general improvement of an organism and strengthening of immunity, also effective treatment of an allergy means avoiding of contact with allergens.

The following belongs to drugs which the traditional medicine recommends for treatment of an allergy:

- antiinflammatory drugs;

- antihistamines;

- corticosteroids;

- anti-leukotrienes;

- steroid drugs of external use;

- stabilizers of mastocytes;

- bronchodilatory drugs;

- immunomodulators.

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