Main > Drugs> Aseptolin


Aseptolin is medicine in the form of solution for external use with high antiseptic and disinfecting action.Дезинфицирующее средство Асептолин

Aseptolin's list and form of release

Are Aseptolin's part глицерол, plant extract of cowberry, alcohol, глицеритан and the purified water.

Drug is produced in the form of solution for the external use placed in bottles with light-protective glass of 25 - 250 ml. Solution of 70-90% transparent also has a specific smell. Each bottle is placed in separate cardboard packaging.

Pharmacological properties of Aseptolin

Aseptolin possesses disinfecting, antiinflammatory and antiedematous actions.

Aseptolin has broad use as an antiseptic agent which is effective for destruction of gram-positive and gram-negative forms of bacteria.

Thanks to high concentration of a glitseritan as a part of Aseptolin protective functions of integuments increase.

Aseptolin provides to epidermis protection against harmful effects of the environment. Regular use of solution allows to avoid inflammatory processes and infections.

Aseptolin has good responses as local irritative means.

Indications to Aseptolin's use

Drug Aseptolin is intended for use at a streptoderma and inflammatory processes on integuments.

Aseptolin received positive reviews as effective medicine for processing of hands, medical tools and the operating table.

Also often apply Aseptolin to disinfection of medical rooms and the equipment, cavities and places of injections.

Application instruction of Aseptolin

Асептолин - раствор для наружного примененияAccording to the instruction, Aseptolin it is necessary to apply only outwardly and to grease with him certain sites of integuments. Solution is applied on bandage, a tampon or gauze fabric, and then process various surfaces.

Integuments before introduction of injections process twice sterile tampon.

The operational space, tools and devices need to be wiped with plentiful amount of disinfecting solution.

According to the instruction, Aseptolin it is impossible to apply on mucous membranes, open wounds and deep damages of integuments. Medicine is not recommended to use to children.

Contraindications and side effects of Aseptolin

Contraindications to Aseptolin's use are the individual intolerance and existence of allergic reactions to medicine components.

Drug Aseptolin is contraindicated at open wounds, burns and frostbites, and also in the presence of skin rashes, new growths of various etiology and irritations. Do not recommend to use this antiseptic solution for sensitive skin.

Aseptolin can cause allergic reactions (an itch, burning, rash), a burn and numbness. In rare instances drug can have the systemic toxic and oppressing effect on the central nervous system.

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