Main > Drugs> The milk vetch is sherstistotsvetkovy

The milk vetch is sherstistotsvetkovy

Трава астрагал шерстистоцветковыйThe milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy (cat's peas) – a herbaceous perennial plant from family bean, the pharmaceutical name – Herba Astragali dasyanthi, is included in "Red List".

The plant renders the calming, diuretic, hypotensive, vasodilating and cardiotonic action on a human body.

Chemical composition

Milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy finds application in medical practice thanks to contents in its elevated part and in roots of the following biologically active components:

  • Flavonoids – изорамнетин, meletin, кемпферол, астрагалозид;
  • Triterpenovy glycosides – daziantozida;
  • Coumarins and oxycoumarins;
  • Tannins;
  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamins;
  • Micro and macrocells – selenium, silicon, calcium, iron, aluminum, cobalt, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, chrome, molybdenum.

Useful properties

Useful properties of a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy are caused by chemical composition thanks to which the plant found broad application in the Indian, Korean, Chinese and Tibetan medicine. It is considered that it surpasses even a ginseng in the useful effect.

Drugs from this plant stimulate cordial activity, especially at overfatigue, slow down a cordial rhythm, expand vessels of some internals and moderately ABP reduce, accelerate a blood flow, activate muscular functionality, improve department of urine and reduce ammonia level in blood.

Indications to use

As a result of medical researches it is revealed that use of a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy exerts positive impact at the following diseases:

  • Initial form of a hypertension – considerable improvement of health, decrease in the ABP, elimination of a headache, dizziness, a sonitus, sleeplessness, pains and interruptions in heart, paresthesia;
  • Hypertension – strengthening of cerebral circulation owing to what decrease in the ABP in a temporal artery and the central artery of a retina is observed;
  • Coronary heart disease – the termination of heartaches, improvement of indicators of an ECG and normalization of a kapilyaroskopichesky picture against the background of decrease in the ABP, significant improvement of health;
  • Heart diseases with a chronic circulatory unefficiency, dystrophic processes in a myocardium – decrease in venous pressure, increase in a diuresis, reduction of hypostases, cyanosis, asthma, improvement of an endocardiac, and also general hemodynamics;
  • Chronic and acute glomerulonephritis – increase in a plazmotok and renal blood-groove, decrease in renal resistance, increase in a glomerular filtration rate;
  • Periodontosis, stomatitis, ulitis the action – epithelizing, accelerating healing of wounds.

Property of a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy to influence system of blood coagulation successfully use for increase in a blood clotting time, heparin resistance of plasma, amount of free heparin, and also normalization of a fibrinolysis.


Use of cat's peas even in big dosages does not cause side effects, it is not recommended to use it only at an allergy to a plant, the arterial pressure considerably lowered, large stones in urinary bodies, acute pathologies of system of digestion.

Having chronic heart diseases it is necessary to use means with care.

House drugs from a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy

Infusion of a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of raw materials, fill in 200 ml of the boiling water, boil five minutes, then maintain four hours at the room temperature.

It is possible to accept such infusion on several spoons 2-3 times a day at a hypertension, stenocardia, the chronic heart failure which is followed by tachycardia, an acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, a scrofula, rheumatic pains, hypostases of a different etiology, a renal hypertension.

In the form of rinsings infusion is used at periodontosis, stomatitises and ulites. It can also be added to water for bathing at problems with skin, or to make lotions for local use.

To prepare diuretic or the expectorant is taken by 6 g of roots of a plant, fill in with water – 200 ml, hold half an hour on the water bath. After cooling and filtering broth is brought clear water to 200 ml and accept 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day. The prepared means can be used also for the general strengthening of an organism, maintenance of cordial activity.

At treatment of diseases of female generative organs use of a milk vetch sherstistotsvetkovy is shown in the form of syringings. For this purpose two tablespoons of raw materials fill in 400 ml of boiled water, 10 min. maintain on fire and 60 min. insist. The procedure is carried out twice a day, using 200 ml of broth for once.

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