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The henbane is black

Белена чернаяThe henbane black is two-year-old, sometimes the one-year, winter plant relating to family of a nightshade family and having a fleshy, thick rod root. From a plant the unpleasant and heavy smell proceeds, and it is covered with sticky, ferruterous and soft hairs.

Stalk at a plant branched and direct, its maximum height can reach 115 cm. Leaves have a grayish-greenish shade. Flowers quite large, their length reaches 2-3 cm, have dense leaf-bearing curls. Blossoms generally from June to October, fruits ripen approximately in August-September. The henbane black breeds in exclusively seed way, at the same time one plant is capable to give on average to 10 thousand seeds.

The plant in the Caucasus, is widespread in the European part of the CIS (midland), in the Crimea and in Central Asia (is weed and grows at fences, in the yards, near walls of various buildings, on kitchen gardens and fields).

Chemical composition

In medicine use of a henbane black is caused by content of the following chemicals in it:

  • Alkaloids – tropine, Hyoscyaminum, 1 Scopolaminum (hyoscine), апогиосцин, apoatropin, belladonine (in leaves and a tops of vegetable);
  • Glycosides – гиосцирезин, чюсцерин, июсципикрин, methylesculin (in leaves and a tops of vegetable);
  • The fat oil containing olein, linolenic and other acids (in seeds);
  • Flavonoids, first of all Rutinum, coumarin derivatives (in leaves).

Useful properties

The henbane black can have peripheral effect which is connected with availability in it of tropane alkaloids (allow to reduce or stop intestines muscles spasms, urine - and biliary tract, brake department of a gastric juice, saliva, the lacrimal liquid and slime, a little to a lesser extent affect muscles of bronchial tubes).

The influence of a plant on the central nervous system depending on the maintenance of Scopolaminum in raw materials is ambiguous. If the content of alkaloid prevails, then the plant has sedative effect, and also slows down the excitement processes happening in a motive zone of bark.

In traditional medicine use of a henbane black practices in quality of powerful anticonvulsant, sedative, analgeziruyushchy tool.

Extract from leaves is strong analgeziruyushchy and anti-spastic means for treatment of diseases of bodies of digestive tract. It is a part of such medicines as Asthmatolum and Asthmatinum which are applied at treatment of bronchial asthma.

Oil bleached – unique extract on vegetable oil which part the dried-up and krupnoizmelchenny leaves, alcohol (95%), ammonia solution (70%), sunflower oil are. This means represents the oily transparent liquid having brownish-green color and a peculiar smell. It can be applied to outside grinding at neuralgia and rheumatism.

Indications to use

Properties of a henbane black use at treatment: erysipelatous inflammations, a malignant anthrax, diphtheria, smallpox, maniac-depressive psychoses, stutter at children, neurosises, nervous tics, dermatomycoses, a nymphomania, parkinsonism, a tsistouretrit, skin and venereal diseases, pneumonia, a pediculosis, headaches, eczemas, a hamaturia, hysteria, itch, bronchial asthma, syphilis, the diuretic phenomena, an algodismenorea, rage, chronic bronchitis, rheumatism, a zhelchekamenny disease.

It is necessary to remember that in small doses drugs of a henbane work sedatively (soothingly), and in big — it is exciting.


Prescription of medicines on the basis of a henbane black is contraindicated:

  • The increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma);
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Children's age;
  • The expressed disturbance of an urination.

Poisoning is possible on condition of eating of seeds which, by the way, are nice to the taste, and, of course, in overdose cases medicines. Poisoning can proceed in the form of acute psychosis, sometimes even with hallucinations, difficulties of an urination and swallowing, dryness in a mouth are characteristic of it speech and motive excitement.

House drugs from a henbane black

From an extreme antiquity the henbane black was known as one of the most noxious plants therefore the drugs made on its basis have to be applied only under control of the doctor, and also on his appointment.

Oil for grinding is prepared so: the dried seeds in number of 3 teaspoons follows small истолочь and to fill in with 10 teaspoons of vegetable oil, it is better olive. It is necessary to insist in the dark place within 10 days. Use the received cure for grinding of problem zones for gout, rheumatism, neurologic pains, bruises and a lumbago.

For removal of a dentagra in traditional medicine it is recommended to inhale smoke of the smoldering seeds of a henbane black.

For spirit tincture capacity is filled with dried leaves and to the brim filled in with vodka. Infuses in the dark place within 2 weeks, it is filtered. It is recommended to accept 2 drops of tincture on a water tablespoon at severe internal pains. In case of a vatu dentagra, moistened with means, put to a painful tooth.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.