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Lentil - the valuable leguminous drought-resistant culture including several types growing in regions of Small and medium Asia, the Mediterranean and Transcaucasia.


The fruit of lentil represents a flat shortish bean in which there are three seeds. Distinguish four main types of lentil:

  • Brown lentil. The most often found plant grade. Before preparation brown lentil is, as a rule, presoaked at several o'clock and used for preparation of soups and soups;
  • Red (Egyptian) lentil. It is naturally cleared of a cover therefore quickly is exposed to heat treatment. It is applied to preparation of puree, dense soups, ragout.
  • Green (French) lentil. Represents the immature beans used preferential, in salads;
  • Black lentil. The culture grade, popular in the Middle East, which is famous for protein of excellent quality.

Lentil history

Lentil is used as a product for cooking from time immemorial, making a basis of food of civilizations of the Ancient World. On the flavoring and nutritious qualities lentil satisfied requirements of all segments of the population: to poor people replaced both meat, and bread, the nobility - refined delicacies. In Russia lentil dishes enjoyed unprecedented popularity, and baked flour products from lentil flour.

Today lentil dishes began to be forced out by other products, having turned into exotic on our table. However, this culture continues to be grown up in India, in the south of Europe, and also in North Africa.

Advantage of lentil

Lentil - the leader in the content of phytalbumin which is easily acquired by an organism. On the nutritious qualities the protein which is present at lentil concedes nothing to the protein which is a part of meat - besides, it is completely deprived of its shortcomings.

The advantage of lentil is caused by the content of many irreplaceable amino acids, for example, of lecithin - the substances necessary for full functioning of a nervous system, activity of brain cells, constructions of cells of a liver, and also many other functions.

Lentil is rich with such substances, important for a human body, as soluble cellulose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, iodine, zinc, cobalt, magnesium, boron, etc. Besides, the advantage of lentil consists in presence of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids which are positively influencing work of cardiovascular system.

On the basis of lentil grain from an extreme antiquity the drink under the name "The Arabian Strengthening" which is considered as a panacea from any diseases is made. Thanks to existence in composition of lentil of isoflavones - the unique substances which are not afraid of heat treatment - the regular use of a product interferes with developing of such dangerous disease as breast cancer.

It is difficult to find a product with so high content of iron as lentil which properties really impress. Consumption of dishes on the basis of culture - soups, soups, porridges, salads will allow to perform prevention of diseases of system of a hemopoiesis, a digestive tract (ulcers, colitis). Administration of lentil in a daily diet of patients with a diabetes mellitus allows to normalize naturally sugar level in blood. The sprouted seeds of lentil are the leader in the content of vitamin C.

Very valuable property of lentil - a plant is not capable to accumulate in itself harmful substances (nitrates, radionuclides) thanks to what it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly cultures on all globe.

Lentil caloric content

Caloric content of lentil makes 119 kcal / 100 product gram. Nutrition value of lentil makes:

  • Proteins - 9,0 g;
  • Fats - 0,6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 22,1 g.

Glycemic index of lentil - 30. Thanks to the low caloric content of lentil, and also presence at its composition of complex carbohydrates (dietary properties of lentil) the product can join in the program of weight loss of the people suffering from excess weight.

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Lentil for weight loss

Lentil - very useful and nourishing dish which is a compound component of many diets. Distinguish two options of the use of lentil for weight loss:

  • Rigid diet. Only lentil porridge cooked without salt and oil is during the day eaten. During the day it is necessary to drink more water, for the night it is possible to drink a glass of kefir. More than 3-5 days it is not recommended to keep to this diet.
  • Less rigid diet. At this option it is allowed to prepare from lentil more tasty dishes, with addition of oil, vegetables, fruit. Between meals it is possible to drink water, tomato juice, green tea and kefir.

Within 1 week of a lentil diet it is possible to dump 2-4 kg.


This product is contraindicated to the people having dysbacteriosis, a peptic ulcer of a stomach, and also dyskinesia of biliary tract.

Excessive consumption of dishes from lentil, as well as all bean cultures, can lead to digestion disturbance, a meteorism, intestines swelling.

Whether you know that:

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