Main > Drugs> Decadignity



Decadignity – antimicrobic means.

Pharmacological action

The decadignity is active against the majority of gram-negative, gram-positive microorganisms – the causative agent of diphtheria, a pyocyanic stick, streptococci, stafilokokk.

Shows drug and antifungal action – destroys trikhofita, erythrasmas, drozhzhepodobny fungi, epidermofita, some species of mushrooms plesnevidny.

Apply Dekasang to fight against trichomonads, lyambliya.

Microbes which show resistance to Dekasang are not revealed.

Release form

Produce solution Dekasang for inhalations, introduction in the struck bodies, for external use.

Indications to use

In Dekasang's instruction such indications to his appointment are specified: skin diseases of fungal, pustulous, bacterial character, including eczema microbic, pyoinflammatory diseases of skin in a stage of drainage and open wounds (phlegmon, a felon, abscess, an anthrax, a furuncle, other), inflammations of an oral cavity, inflammatory diseases of respiratory bodies proceeding in a severe form, their complications, a disease of upper respiratory tracts (a laryngopharyngitis chronic, quinsy, a bacterial carriage), inflammations of a large intestine (a proctitis, colitis ulcer, a sigmoiditis), inflammations in urogenital area (prostatitis, an endometritis, a vaginitis, an urethritis, a balanoposthitis).

Practice Dekasang's use in surgery in band operations for irrigation of a pleural, abdominal cavity, big wound surfaces.

It can be used for sterilization of medical tools, the equipment, disinfection of gloves, hands of medical personnel before carrying out operations, for sanitation of a parturient canal before childbirth.

Application instruction of Dekasang

Dekasang's solution is in pure form used in the form of lotions, washings for treatment of skin diseases.

For ustraneniye of fistulas every day solution fistular wash out the courses. Treatment lasts 5dn.

For treatment of cystitis and uretrit chronic solution is dissolved with clear water (1:7), expecting a medical course in 20 washings - 600 ml.

For treatment of prostatitis, a large intestine in the instruction Dekasana is specified such scheme of treatment: 100 ml of solution two р / enter day in the form of an enema. Solution before introduction is warmed up. Treatment is carried out to removal of symptoms of an aggravation.

Mucous a mouth apply to treatment of diseases rinsings or applications. For rinsing take 150 ml, for applications – 50 ml. (hold 12-15min.).

Periodontosis 1-2y degrees during an aggravation treat by irrigation of gums warm solution (100 ml).

The ulitis is ulcer and necrotic, candidiasis mucous a mouth treat rinsing: on 150 ml of solution Dekasang 4-5r/put. Treatment lasts 10dn.

For treatment of a fungus of palatine tonsils, tonsillitis of a chronic, pathogenic carriage of bacteriological flora practice washings of a pharynx, lacunas of almonds: to 100 ml of Dekasang on one washing.

Декасан ингаляцииUse also ultrasonic inhalations of Dekasang - for treatment of the bronchietasia which suppurated of a hypoplasia cystous lungs with abscess, exacerbations of bronchitis chronic.

Dekasang's inhalations require about 10 ml of solution, carry out their one-two р / day. At these diseases solution can be entered also by other methods: mikrotrakheostomalno (two р / put no more than 50 ml), by means of a catheter transnasal (one р / put no more than 10 ml), lavage tracheobronchial (it is no more than 100 ml).

Side effects

The decadignity at external use can cause local allergic reactions: erubescence, small tortoiseshell.

At administration of drug endobronkhialno drug arises a burning sensation and a heat which passes in about 30 minutes after the procedure.


The decadignity cannot be applied at intolerance the patient of drug.

Whether you know that:

During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.