Main > Food stuffs> Dolphin


Fish of a dolphin is called still a sea crucian and carried to Sparov' family. Known names of a dolphin: golden Spahr, aurate, спарус, lampuka, fish dolphin, korifena.

Рыба дорадо

Fillet of a dolphin contains proteins, fats, vitamins from group B, E, D, A, PP, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, iron, lithium, boron, selenium, linolenic, stioridovy and linolenic acids, Omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids: arginine, histidine, lysine, valine, tryptophane, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, methionine, threonine, alanine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutaminic acid, proline, tyrosine, cysteine.

Saturated fats in 100 g of fish contains 0,19g, monounsaturated – 0,12g, polyunsaturated – 0,17g.

Meat at fish of a dolphin white, dense, differs in high hypoallergenicity.

Caloric content of a dolphin – 87 calories in 100 g of an edible part of fish.

Use of fillet of a dolphin

The regular use of a dolphin thanks to the content of iodine is useful at problems with a thyroid gland.

That who goes on a low-calorie diet with the emphasis on the fat-free products the low caloric content of a dolphin and the minimum quantity of fats will have very opportunely. Well and what is this fish is possible and in the raw, and in boiled, it is possible to bake or roast on a grill.

Judging by reviews of a dolphin of those who used fish in the diet, it is combined with many sauces, practically with any garnishes, does not demand addition of spices which are often prohibited in a diet – at fillet of a dolphin pleasant aroma and taste.

Besides, nutritionists recommend to pay attention to fish of a dolphin not only that who loses extra kilos.

The regular use in any kind of a dolphin though two times a week will help to prevent a heart attack and atherosclerosis, to recover cholesterol level, to lower glucose level in blood.

Жареная раба дорадо

Contraindications to the use of a dolphin

Reviews of the dolphin causing an allergy nevertheless are, but there is it in rare instances, at people to individual intolerance of this fish or seafood in general.

There are no big bones in fish, but there is a set small therefore she is not recommended to give to small children.

It is important to be able to choose fresh fish in order that there was no poisoning. The main sign the dolphin – elastic meat which after pressing it is quickly got into condition is fresher. Fish has to have gills of dark red color, her surface has to shine and be pure, pulp has to be homogeneous, white or slightly pinkish color, depending on a grade of a dolphin.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.