Main > Food stuffs> Blackberry


Useful properties of blackberry

Berries of blackberry contain vitamins B, K, E, A, P, sodium, magnesium, iron, nickel, potassium, phosphorus, chrome, titanium, manganese, calcium, iron, cellulose, fructose, glucose, pectins, lemon, apple acids. Thanks to such structure fruits of blackberry stimulate immunity, a metabolism, digestion.

Ягоды ежевики

Leaves of blackberry contain the knitting substances, vitamin C, amino acids and mineral substances therefore they are useful at poisonings, ulcers of a GIT, dysentery.

Roots of blackberry are known for the diuretic and knitting action.

Blackberry caloric content – 36 kcal in 100 g of berries.

Use of blackberry

It is regular recommend to use blackberry for prevention of avitaminosis, strengthening of immunity, treatment of diseases of kidneys, a bladder. Berry at inflammations of joints, a diabetes mellitus is effective.

Besides useful properties of blackberry promote improvement of memory, blood circulation of a brain, prevention of formation of malignant tumors.

The regular use of berries of blackberry well affects health, a condition of a nervous system, provides a healthy sleep, reduces excitability.

Unripe berries of blackberry can be used at a lock, and ripe, on the contrary, at diarrhea.

At short wind, neurosis broth from plant branches helps.

Leaves of blackberry are made and drunk at an anemia, nervous breakdowns, heart troubles, gastritis. The constant use of broths from leaves and fresh berries of blackberry helps to facilitate a condition of the woman during a menopause.

Tea from the dried-up and fresh berries, and also leaves of blackberry helps at cold, infections, possesses the expressed sudorific action. It is noticed that broths and berries infusions well satisfy thirst of the patient at fever.

Juice of fresh blackberry advise to rinse a throat for elimination of a hoarseness.

Diabetics and people with supertension are helped by medical collecting from leaves of blackberry, a shepherd's bag, petals of sunflower and cones of hop. For collecting components take in such parts: 3:1:2:0,5. From mix of herbs make drink and drink for day.

Fresh leaves of blackberry apply and outwardly – they help at chronic wounds standing and herpeses.

Tincture from a root of blackberry is accepted at bad digestion, bleedings, and broth from it is used at an edema as diuretic.

Juice from roots helps at ascites, colitis, hemorrhoidal bleeding, liver pathologies. Three times a day accept it, adding honey.

Broth of roots of blackberry helps at respiratory diseases, quinsy – it is applied as means to rinsing of a sore throat.

Pick berry from July to September. For safety of a harvest it can be stored on cold, it is no more than 7 days.

Смузи из ежевики

As useful properties of blackberry remain also in dry berries, it is worth taking care of their preparation for the winter. It is possible to dry only ripe berries which for a start hold in the sun, and in three days dry in an oven (for a start set temperature of 70 °C, then reduce to 50 °C). It is possible to store the dried-up berries for two years.

The frozen blackberry also keeps useful properties. Exclusively ripe berries which should be cleaned, washed, dried up on paper or fabric are suitable for freezing and to place in the freezer. After freezing for usability berry is poured into small packages and hermetically tied.


Blackberry is contraindicated only at individual intolerance of berry. Therefore at the first use recommend to eat blackberry in a small amount, especially it concerns children. Symptoms of an allergy to berry: diarrhea, hypostasis mucous, vomiting, dizziness, nausea. Disturbance of breath and cordial activity is in some cases observed.

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