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The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 118 rub.

Latin name FluimucilШипучие таблетки Флуимуцил

Form of release and composition of Fluimucil

Drug is produced in the form of transparent solution for inhalations with a light sulfuric smell. Active agent – Acetylcysteinum of 1 ml on 100 mg. Excipients: water, dinatrium эдетат, sodium hydroxide.

Pharmacological effect and pharmacokinetics of Fluimucil

Fluimucil belongs to mucolytic drugs. Active ingredient Acetylcysteinum terminates disulfide bridges of acid mucopolysaccharides of a phlegm and thus reduces degree of viscosity of slime. Drug remains active even concerning a purulent phlegm. Acetylcysteinum possesses antiinflammatory and antioxidant action which is caused by presence of the nucleophilic thiol SH-group neutralizing the oxidizing radicals who are responsible for inflammatory processes in fabrics.

Acetylcysteinum prevents decrease in a reserve of glutathione and helps increase in its synthesis, thus, promotes a detoxication. Thanks to this effect the drug Fluimucil can be used as an antidote at poisonings with paracetamol. Fluimucil easily gets into cells where it is deacetylated to L-cysteine from which then glutathione – the powerful antioxidant catching free radicals and toxins is synthesized.

At oral administration the drug Fluimucil is well absorbed. Thanks to high effect of "the first passing" bioavailability of drug makes about 10 percent. As well as its analogs, Fluimucil easily gets into intercellular space, being distributed generally in a bronchial secret, kidneys, a liver and lungs.

Drug and its metabolites are excreted generally by kidneys, a small amount in an invariable look is removed through intestines. After reception of 600 mg of Fluimucil the maximum concentration in a blood plasma is reached within an hour and makes 15 mmol/l.

Indications to Fluimucil use

Drug is appointed at diseases of the respiratory organs which is followed by the complicated phlegm otkhozhdeniye: pneumonia, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchoectatic disease, tracheitis, emphysema of lungs, abscess of lungs, mucoviscidosis, laryngotracheitis, intersticial diseases of lungs, bronchial asthma, atelectasis of lungs.

Fluimucil at catarral and purulent otitises, antritises, sinusitis for improvement of an otkhozhdeniye of a secret is shown. Also it is used for removal of a viscous phlegm from respiratory tracts at posttraumatic and post-operational states.

Instruction of Fluimucil: routes of administration

Granule fluimucil: granules are dissolved in 1/3 glasses of water.

For newborns appointment according to vital indications, under control of the doctor is possible. A dosage of 10 mg on 1 kg of weight. Children from 1 year to 2 years, accept 100 mg of drug two times a day. To children from 2 to 6 years drug is appointed 2-3 times a day on 100 mg. To children from 6 years and the adult appoint a dosage 2-3 times a day on 200 mg.

Duration of therapy is estimated on a condition of the patient, at acute diseases - the course usually makes up to 10 days, at chronicities - on doctor's orders the course can last several months.

Fluimucil sparkling tablets: one tablet is dissolved in 1/3 glasses of water. Rather single dose of solution within a day. At acute states the course of therapy makes 5-10 days, at chronicities several months can last.

Injection fluimucil: are intended for parenteral use, are entered intravenously or intramusculary. To adult patients appoint 300 mg 1-2 times a day. To children of 6-14 years the recommended dose makes a half from a dose for adults. To children 6 years are younger the dosage is established at the rate of 10 mg on 1 kg of weight.

Duration of therapy is established by the doctor depending on changes in a condition of the patient. High general tolerance of drug allows to conduct long courses of therapy.

Fluimucil of inhalation become drug solution on 300 mg, 1-2 times a day, within 5-10 days. The dosage and frequency of reception can change depending on results of therapy.

Side effects of Fluimucil

As well as its analogs, Fluimucil in rare instances gives side effects in a look: nausea, vomitings, diarrheas, small tortoiseshells, itch, skin rashes, nasal bleedings, sonitus. The responses given by Fluimucil reception show a possibility of development against the background of its reception of a collapse, decrease in aggregation of thrombocytes, a bronchospasm, stomatitis.

At injections of Fluimucil emergence of skin rash and burning in an injection site is possible. Inhalation administration of Fluimucil can cause: reflex cough, stomatitis, rhinitis, local irritation of respiratory tracts, in exceptional cases a bronchospasm (acts bronchodilators).Флуимуцил в ампулах


According to the instruction Fluimucil is contraindicated:

  • to patients with stomach ulcer and a 12-perstny gut in the period of an aggravation;
  • at individual intolerance of Acetylcysteinum or other components of drug;
  • to children up to 18 years (Fluimucil in the form of sparkling tablets).


Fluimucil use by pregnant women, and also during chest feeding, is admissible only after assessment of a ratio of probable advantage for mother with possible risk for the child.

Interaction of Fluimucil with other drugs

On the comments received from physicians Fluimucil, being combined with other drugs for cough, can cause stagnation of a phlegm because of suppression of a tussive reflex.

The combination of analogs of Fluimucil to nitroglycerine can strengthen vasodilating action of the last.

The concomitant use with Amphotericinum In, ampicillin, tetracycline can lead to decrease of the activity of both medicines. Between reception of these drugs and Fluimucil the instruction recommended an interval not less than two hours.


At reception of a dose of 500 mg/kg in days of Fluimucil of reviews of symptoms or signs of overdose it was not received.

Storage conditions

According to the instruction, Fluimucil is stored at the room temperature, in the place protected from children. After opening of an ampoule its storage in the refrigerator is admissible no more days. It is forbidden to use earlier opened drug ampoules.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Fluimucil solution for intake 40mg/ml 200 ml, Zambon Group

118 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tablet fluimucil sparkling 600 mg 10 pieces

135 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Fluimucil solution for intake 40mg/ml 200 ml

140 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Fluimucil тбл thorn. 600 mg No. 10, Zambon Group

149 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Fluimucil of a granule of 200 mg 20 pieces

184 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Fluimucil of gran.rastvo. pack ice of 200 mg No. 20, Zambon Group

188 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Fluimucil piece solution 300mg/3ml 5

224 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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