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from 467 rub.

Фурамаг – highly effective uroantiseptichesky medicine of nitrofuran group. This medicineУпаковка Фурамаг represents a new dosage form of a furaginin soluble.

Reviews of Furamage confirm his high antibacterial activity, a broad spectrum of activity and a hypotoxicity.

On active ingredient Furazidin, Furasol, Furagin are considered as structural analogs of Furamaga.

Form of release and structure

According to the instruction of Furamag make in the form of powder, and also in the form of gelatin capsules (25 mg, 50 mg). 25 mg of potassium salt of a furazidin, and also 25mggidroksikarbonata magnesium are a part of each capsule of Furamaga. Auxiliary components – potassium a carbonate, talc. Gidroksikarbonat of magnesium as a part of drug improves bioavailability of potassium salt of a furazidin.

Pharmacological action of Furamaga

Action of Furamaga and analogs of Furamaga is directed to a growth inhibition and development of the gram-negative and gram-positive microbes having resistance to other germicides.

Фурамаг has activity concerning gram-negative sticks (salmonellas, shigellas, eysherikhiya if, клебсиелл, a protea, enterobakteriya), streptococci, stafilokokk, and also lyambliya.

Concerning stafilokokk of Aerobacteraerogenes, Proteusmorganii, E.coli, Proteus mirabilis, Bact. Citrovorum of Furamag has more expressed activity, in comparison with other drugs of nitrofuran group. Judging by responses, Furamag not only immunity, and opposite does not oppress, activates it and stimulates process of a leucopoiesis.

Indications to use of Furamaga

Use of Furamaga according to the instruction is shown at the following diseases:

• infectious and inflammatory processes in an urinary system (chronic and acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, an urethritis);

• the infected burns;

• gynecologic infections;

• respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis);

• sepsis;

• skin infections;

• cholecystitis;

• infections of soft tissues.

Besides, according to the instruction of Furamag or analogs of Furamaga it is possible to apply to prevention of infectious processes when carrying out a tsistoskopiya, catheterization, urological operations.

Route of administration of Furamaga

Drug is used Капсулы Фурамагinside, intratrakhealno, intrabronkhialno, intravenously. Introduction of a medicine to cavities and topical administration of Furamaga is in certain cases shown.

According to the instruction of Furamag in tablets it is the best of all to accept after food, washing down with a significant amount of water. A daily dose for adults – 15-300 mg of drug (the dose needs to be divided into three receptions). Maximum daily dose of Furamaga-of 600 mg. Therapy duration – seven-ten days.

For children from a year to ten years a daily dose of Furamaga according to the instruction – on 5 mg/kg of a body. The dose should be divided into several receptions.

To children with the body weight of 30 kg and more appoint 50 mg of drug three times a day.

Intravenously 1% solution of drug should be entered slowly, a drop way within three-four hours. A day dose of solution for the adult – 300-500 ml. Therapy duration – three-seven injections.

100-300 ml of 1% of solution of a medicine should be entered intratrakhealno for carrying out medical and diagnostic or medical sanitation of bronchial tubes (from 3 to 14 injections).

At a bronkhofibroskopiya it is necessary to enter fractionally on 20-60 ml 0,5-1% of solution of Furamaga intrabronkhialno. At a bronchial lavage enter 50-100 ml of solution fractionally (the general dose – 500-800 ml). The entered liquid should be sucked away at the same time. Solution is recommended to warm up previously to 37-39 °C.

Topical administration of Furamaga according to the instruction is shown for therapy of pyoinflammatory processes (peritonitis, suppurations of cavities of joints, a pleura empyema) and burn wounds. The struck areas wash out 1% drug solution.


• hypersensitivity to any component of a medicine;

• toxic hepatitis;

• a renal failure (in a chronic form);

• polyneuropathy;

• pregnancy;

• children's age up to three years;

• lactation period;

• polyneuritis.

With care of Furamag appoint at a heavy renal failure, deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy, diseases of a nervous system and a liver.

Side effect of Furamaga

Proceeding from responses, Furamag at prolonged use makes a headache, sick, a loss of appetite, dizziness, allergic reactions, an abnormal liver function.


Symptoms: polyneurites, neurotoxic reactions, toxic hepatitis in an acute form. Treatment: cancellation of Furamaga, reception of a large amount of water, purpose of antihistaminic medicines and vitamins of group B.

Medicinal interaction of Furamaga

Simultaneous use of Furamaga and chloramphenicol, Ristomycinum, streptocides quite often suppresses hemopoiesis process.

It is not recommended to apply Furamag along with ascorbic acid, calcium chloride (risk of change of pH of urine in the acid party).

During therapy it is desirable not to take alcoholic beverages (possibly strengthening of side effect of drug).

Storage conditions

Фурамаг store in the dry, protected from sunshine place, at a temperature no more than 25 °C. A period of storage – three years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Фурамаг capsules 25 of mg of 30 pieces

467 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Фурамаг капс 25 mg No. 30, OlainFarm

622 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Фурамаг capsules 50 of mg of 30 pieces

695 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Фурамаг капс 50 mg No. 30, OlainFarm

899 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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