Main > Drugs> Ginekokhel


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 682 rub.


Ginekokhel is the complex homeopathic medicine used at diseases of female generative organs of inflammatory character.

Pharmacological action

Ginekokhel has the antiinflammatory, sedative, anesthetizing, antiedematous and venotoniziruyushchy properties.

Such substances of a natural origin as are a part of drug: cobra poison, extracts of a honey bee and ordinary hornet, metal platinum and palladium, iodine - and bromidsoderzhashchy salts of gold and ammonium, spirit extracts of a yellow hamelirium, lance-leaved lily, guelder-rose ordinary, the medicinal tributary and a unicorn false. Complex interaction of these components promote normal functioning of female generative organs and bodies of a small pelvis.

Ginekokhel, responses confirm, represents effective medicine at treatment of many gynecologic diseases and for regulation of a menstrual cycle. Also Ginekokhel is successfully applied for the purpose of normalization of distribution of liquids in an organism, lowerings of blood pressure, elimination of symptoms of an allergy, calm and disposal of a depression, the prevention of development of new growths, normalization of the movement of a lymph and blood in the field of generative organs of women.

Indications to use

The instruction recommends to apply Ginekokhel in the following cases:

  • adnexitis (inflammation of appendages of a uterus);
  • oophoritis (inflammation of ovaries);
  • salpingitis (inflammation of uterine tubes);
  • parametritis (inflammation of perimetric cellulose);
  • endometritis (inflammation of a mucous membrane of a uterus);
  • myometritis (inflammation of a muscular coat of a uterus);
  • vaginitis (vagina inflammation);
  • disturbances of a menstrual cycle;
  • primary and secondary forms of infertility.

Application instruction of Ginekokhel

Гинекохель капли

Ginekokhel is issued in the form of drops for oral administration.

The recommended single dose of drug to women and girls is more senior than 12 years – 10 drops.

Ginekokhel it is possible to apply in two ways: to drop not divorced drug under language or to add to 100 ml of water and slowly, holding in a mouth, to drink. It is necessary to accept drug 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

At an exacerbation of a disease the instruction recommends to apply drops in a usual dose to Ginekokhel each 15 minutes within two hours.

Side effects

Drops Ginekokhel characterize responses and clinical trials as well transferable medicine, only hypersensitivity to components of drug can provoke allergic reactions.


According to the instruction, Ginekokhel is contraindicated to patients with intolerance of components of drug. As Ginekokhel contains iodine, women with diseases of a thyroid gland before use of drug should consult at the endocrinologist.

Additional information

Drug should be stored far from moisture and light at a temperature of 15-250C. A period of validity of drops Ginekokhel – 5 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Ginekokhel of a drop of 30 ml, Biologische Heilmittel Heel

682 rub.

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