Main > Diseases> Halyazion


The term "halyazion" in translation from Greek is meant by "a hailstone, a small small knot". This small consolidation has rounded shape and rather clear boundary. Usually халязион centuries long time does not resolve. Quite often he puts pressure upon an eyeglobe, provoking other diseases of eyes. Halyazion can develop of a century both at adults, and at children.Халязион века - небольшое уплотнение

Disease symptoms

Development of a halyazion is followed by emergence of small puffiness of a century, moderate pain and irritation. Usually all symptoms of a disease disappear in one-two days, but during a century there can be a painful, roundish swelling. Growth of a swelling quite often leads to emergence of small blurring of sight. On a surface of a century the red or gray spot can sometimes be formed. At considerable growth халязион becomes painful and rather firm to the touch.

Halyazion – the reasons of development of a disease

The reason of a halyazion of a century is very widespread – obstruction of meyboliyevy (grease) gland of an eye. As a result of obstruction in a grease channel secretory liquid accumulates that leads to development of an inflammation and formation of consolidation during a century.

Non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene – not less common cause of a halyazion. If often to wipe eyes with dirty hands, to forget to wash in the evening, inaccurately to use contact lenses, then in an eye it is possible to bring dirt and an infection.

Any conditions of an organism connected with the strengthened sweating (hormonal shifts, a diabetes mellitus) are the potential reason of a halyazion of a century.

Halyazion can develop of a century from barley in the absence of treatment or a periodic recurrence.

Treatment of a halyazion

In 25% of cases this disease passes without treatment. In treatment of a halyazion it is possible to use hot compresses with the subsequent massage of eyes. They will eliminate obstruction and will release inflammation center contents. For compresses it is the best of all to use the napkins moistened in warm water. The compress should be put on an eyelid for fifteen minutes. Four-six times a day are recommended to carry out the procedure. After that it is possible to massage an eyelid roundabouts within one-two minutes. Conservative treatment (disinfecting drops and applications with yellow mercury ointment) a halyaziona is used only at the initial stage of development of a disease. Corticosteroid therapy is applied at the started disease forms. At this method of treatment directly steroids are entered into a cavity of a halyazion. Steroids accelerate a rassasyvaniye of the secret which is contained in more thickly centuries.Кеналог - препарат для лечения халязиона

If corticosteroid treatment did not yield due results, then in this case resort to a surgical method of treatment of a halyazion. Under local anesthesia on an eyelid the tweezers clip are imposed, then the section of a conjunctiva of a century becomes, the cavity of a halyazion is accurately enucleated, and its walls remain. Then the cavity is filled with special disinfecting ointment, under a conjunctiva antibiotics are entered. After operation approximately for several days the aseptic bandage is applied.

Treatment of a halyazion folk remedies

Treatment of a halyazion folk remedies will be pertinent if consolidation appeared recently and did not manage to grow yet. The most widespread method applying of dry heat to an eye is considered (eggs or hot-water bottles).

Poultices from a grain crumb will be suitable for removal of pain. For this purpose about hundred grams of a crumb should be placed in a glass of milk. Then to add a teaspoon of leaves of a plantain. To put a ready poultice to a sore point.

Alternation of cold compresses with hot compresses on linen sunflower seeds will be not less effective.

To remove халязион fennel can help. For this purpose one tablespoon of fennel and one and a half glasses of water is required. The crushed fennel is filled in with boiled water and allow to infuse some time. Lotions do when broth cools down.

From this disease the aloe and a calendula can help. Ten grams of flowers of a calendula steam hot water and allow to infuse about half an hour. Then filter and use for lotions.

It is possible to grease consolidation with juice of a kalanchoe or aloe. For treatment of a disease quite often use boric acid. At first an eye is washed out boric acid, and then the fresh cottage cheese wrapped in a napkin is put on a sore point.

Very effective folk remedy of treatment of a halyazion the mallow medicinal is considered. Six grams of a root of a mallow fill in with cold water and insist on an extent of eight hours. The received solution wash out a sore eye.

At the halyaziyena it is necessary to take two teaspoons of flowers of a centaurea and one glass of water. To fill in flowers with abrupt boiled water and to allow to infuse about an hour. Then it is necessary to filter infusion and to put to the struck place.

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