DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Neurology Ganglioneuroma



Ganglioneuroma, neuroma ganglionage, neuroganglioma, or true neuroma - the tumor consisting of elements of nervous tissue with participation nervous (like ganglionic) cells; a benign tumor from elements sympathetic nervous ганглиев.

Ganglioneuroma reasons:

Depending on quantity and character (especially in sense of a maturity) the ganglionic cells and fibers which are a part, the structure, these tumors happens very various; usually - nerve fibrils amyelenic (g. amyelinicum), kernels of a neuroglia in insignificant, in a large number (ganglioglioneuroma), sometimes gliozny cells of huge type; layers of connecting fabric are considerable, are absent; as for ganglionic cells, they are sometimes wrong, mnogoyaderna, is frequent with sharp degenerative changes, or contain a brown pigment.

The ganglioneuroma (gangliocytoma, ganglioma) can develop in any departments of a brain, but a thicket in the field of a bottom of the III ventricle. It has no capsules, the sizes it do not exceed 2-4 cm, among cells glial prevail. The ganglioneuromas developing from a sympathetic trunk quite often burgeon in a postmediastinum or to the vertebral canal. In the latter case the tumor has an appearance of hourglasses, i.e. consists of two nodes - juxtaspinal and extramedullary.

Ganglioneuroma symptoms:

By the place of development of a ganglioneuroma are divided on:
1) Ganglioneuromas of the central nervous system, for example, near side ventricles; are observed seldom; assume that they develop from undifferentiated neuroblasts (neurocytes) here or stand in connection with so-called hamartias and geterotopiya;
2) Ganglioneuromas of a sympathetic nervous system (it is more than a half of all cases);
3) Ganglioneuromas of adrenal glands;
4) Ganglioneuromas of cerebrospinal nerves and ганглиев (e.g., Gasserova of a node, acoustical nerve);
5) Ganglioneuromas of other parts of a body (e.g., in nose skin, a century).

Mature ganglioneuromas are usually single, size from pin to a children's head; lie in the left half of a body more often; (at young age) occur at women more often than at men.

Ganglioneuromas usually it is found in a postmediastinum and retroperitoneal space, it is sometimes connected with adrenal glands.

Symptoms of a ganglioneuroma vary depending on localization and the size of a tumor; quite often ganglioneuromas are an accidental find when opening as even very big of them can proceed asymptomatically.

Ганглионеврома средостения на рентгенограмме

Mediastinal ganglioneuroma on the roentgenogram

Treatment of a ganglioneuroma:

Whether ganglioneuromas usually delete in the surgical way and then are carefully studied under a microscope for examination there are no sites of a ganglioneyroblastoma there.

The forecast is favorable.

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