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Baro-otitis (aero-otitis) - the injury of a middle ear caused by a difference of air pressure from two parties from a tympanic membrane.
The tympanic membrane divides outside acoustical pass and a middle ear. If the air pressure in outside acoustical pass determined by outside atmospheric pressure and pressure on average to fish soup are not identical, the tympanic membrane can be injured. The acoustical (eustachian) pipe which connects a middle ear and a back part of a nasal cavity is normal, helps to support the equal pressure of air on both sides from a tympanic membrane, allowing external air to come to a middle ear. When the external pressure of air suddenly increases (for example, during decrease in the airplane or deep-water immersion), air has to pass freely through an acoustical pipe to balance pressure on average to fish soup.

Бароотит (аэроотит)

Baro-otitis (aero-otitis)

Baro-otitis reasons:

If the acoustical (eustachian) pipe partially or is completely blocked because of formation of cicatricial fabric, an infection or an allergy, air not
reaches a middle ear and the developing difference of pressure can injure a tympanic membrane or even to cause its gap and bleeding.

Baro-otitis symptoms:

At very big difference of pressure the oval window (an entrance to an inner ear from an average) can become torn that will allow liquid to filter from an inner ear into an average. Existence of relative deafness or dizziness during deep-water diving - symptoms of the fact that such infiltration happened. The same symptoms during rise give the grounds to assume that in an inner ear the bubble was created.


Diagnosis is based on the anamnesis of a disease, a clinical picture. It is also necessary to carry out:
Otoskopiya (survey of a tympanic membrane).
Audiometriya (hearing function measurement).

Treatment of a baro-otitis:

When sudden changes of pressure during flight of the airplane cause a feeling of a congestion or ear pain, pressure on average to fish soup it is possible to balance breath with an open mouth, chewing of an elastic band or the deglutitory movements.  People with the infected Eustachian tube or allergic persons with damage of a nose and throat can feel discomfort when flying by the airplane or diving. However if circumstances force it to do, vasoconstrictive drops in a nose, for example ephedrine, sanorin,
Naphthyzinum, etc., or nasal aerosol
reduce hypostasis and help to open acoustical pipes, equalizing pressure upon tympanic membranes.

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