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The split sky (wolf mouth)


The split sky (wolf mouth) is a curable inborn defect at which there is a deformation of the sky of the child during pregnancy and stratification (crack) with possible penetration into a nasal cavity is formed.

This disease can affect any part of the sky, both a lobby (hard palate), and a small shoot of fabric which goes down from a soft palate (uvula). This defect can be shown separately and in combination with other inborn defects of the person and cheekbones, in particular, with a labium leporium.

The split sky and labium leporium – the most often found defects in the head and a neck which are found at the birth. Before an operative measure existence of a wolf mouth can significantly complicate process of meal, development of the speech and hearing.

Symptoms of the Split sky (a wolf mouth):

Certain forms of the split sky are found out right after the birth that obvious deformation of the person is shown. However, not always the look of the newborn serves as an unambiguous signal of gravity of a disease. The most exact sign is location of stratification (crack). On an example, the scarcely noticeable small crack in a soft palate can cause more serious problems with development of speech skills, than explicit deep stratification.

Children with the split sky usually have problems with meal as at them it is broken sucking and deglutitory reflexes.

Внешний вид ребенка с волчьей пастью

Outward of the child with a wolf mouth

The reasons of the Split sky (a wolf mouth):

The split sky can be a consequence of genetic disorders or influences of factors of the environment though there is no still exact and definite answer to this question yet. If this defect was found in you at the birth, the risk of its manifestation at your children increases.

The threat increases if during pregnancy mother abuses antibiotics, is exposed to radiation and any kind of an infection, uses drugs and alcohol, smokes.

Treatment of the Split sky (a wolf mouth):

Usually the team of doctors and specialists in the field of treatment of this disease takes part in treatment of a wolf mouth. The attending physician and the nurse give consultations on leaving and feeding of the child with such defect.

Operative measure is carried out, as a rule, when to the child 1-1,5 years. In most cases several operations are required. All course of treatment of the split sky can last before achievement of teenage age by the patient.

At some children with a wolf mouth in parallel can develop as well other defects which demand additional treatment, on an example, problems with speech and acoustical functions, infections of a sine and an ear cavity or a complication after carrying out correction of initial defect. Also rejections of the dental plan when at the child excess tooth grows are possible, or, on the contrary, several teeth are not enough (besides, there is a deformation of healthy).

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