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Talcosis – the pulmonary disease caused by talc inhalation. Quickly passes into a chronic form and it is characterized by fibrosis.

Talc – the magnesian silicate containing 29,8-63,5% of silicon dioxide; in water it is not dissolved. Talc is applied in rubber, ceramic, paper, textile, perfumery, paint and varnish industry.

The main effects of long inhalation of dust of talc – a talcosis, mesothelioma of a pleura and cancer of a lung. Workers of the rubber and tire industry are especially subject to these diseases.

Talcosis reasons:

The talcosis is caused by inhalation of dust of the talc used in the textile, paper, rubber, perfumery industry.

The talc which is also applied to dusting of operational rubber gloves can get at operations in an abdominal cavity on a wound surface, a peritoneum and to cause an inflammation with the subsequent formation of commissures and small knots – granulomas. In such cases speak about a surgical talcosis.

Talcosis symptoms:

The talcosis differs in a sluggish, high-quality current. Less often the acute talcosis meets. Is followed by a bronchitis syndrome, tendency to progressing is less expressed. Heavier the talcosis caused by cosmetic powder proceeds.

Treatment of a talcosis:

Treatment is directed to normalization of a metabolism, first of all proteinaceous, by means of a balanced diet, saturation of an organism by vitamins C, P and PP. Drugs of expectorant action, oxygen therapy, respiratory gymnastics are shown; at the complicated breath – bronchodilatory means (Theophedrinum, an Euphyllinum, aerosols of atropine, ephedrine, an Euspiranum); at a decompensation of a pulmonary heart – diuretics. In initial stages sanatorium treatment is shown.

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