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Sheyerman-Mau's disease


Sheyermana-Mau's disease is the progressing kyphotic deformation of a backbone arising during rapid growth of the child. Occurs at 1% of teenagers irrespective of a sex of the child.

Symptoms of the Disease of Sheyerman-Mau:

The first symptoms of a disease of Sheyerman – Mau appear at children in the pubertantny period. In an early stage of a disease it is possible to make the correct diagnosis only according to a backbone X-ray analysis. Therefore diagnosis is carried out with lateness as patients come to the doctor when the rachiocampsis is already noticeable or children begin to complain of dorsodynias in interscapular area. When the disease progresses, the kyphotic arch and dorsodynias increases.

In 30% of cases Sheyermana-Mau's kyphosis is combined with scoliosis. The neurologic symptomatology at Sheyerman's disease – Mau usually does not develop as nervous tissue is not involved in pathological process. Deformation of a rachis leads to deformation of a thorax, and it in turn complicates the act of breath and involves disturbance of action of the heart.

Etiologies of Sheyerman-Mau:

The exact reasons of a course of a disease of Sheyerman – Mau are unknown. Consider that the most probable cause — genetic predisposition. Other possible reason of a course of a disease -  traumatization of regions of growth of bodies of vertebrae. Consider also the possibility of pathological influence of maldevelopment of muscles of a back.

Treatment of the Disease of Sheyerman-Mau:

Treatment of a kyphosis of Sheyermana-Mau surgical or conservative. The specific method is defined by the attending physician. Most often this disease is treated  conservatively, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, manual therapy, techniques of physiotherapy exercises are used. Sometimes carrying a corset is necessary. Resort to surgical intervention only in the most extreme cases as operation bears in itself a certain share of risk.

Результаты лечения больного с болезнью Шейерман-Мау

Results of treatment of the patient with a disease Sheyerman-Mau

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