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Clinodactyly (new lat. clinodactylia; from other - Greek   — "I incline, I bend" +   — "finger") — inborn defect of development of fingers.

Clinodactyly symptoms:

It is externally shown in their curvature or distortion of their situation concerning an extremity axis (fingers are squinted medially or lateralno). More often 4-5 fingers of a brush, as a rule, from two parties are surprised. External manifestations are caused by deformations of phalanxes of fingers and disturbance of intra joint ratios. The disease reaches peak during puberty, further does not progress.

Внешний вид кистей при клинодактилии

Outward of brushes at a clinodactyly

Clinodactyly reasons:

The disease is hereditary and is inherited on autosomal dominantly type. The clinodactyly of thumbs of feet is an indisputable sign in diagnosis of a fibrodisplaziya.

Treatment of the Clinodactyly:

Treatment only surgical.

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