DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Urology Ureter diverticulum

Ureter diverticulum


Ureter diverticulum - anomaly of development of an ureter, the representing sacculate protrusion of a wall of an ureter or the tubular formation of various length connecting to it. Embryological diverticulums of an ureter represent additional protrusions of the caudal end of primary gut. From within the diverticulum is covered with an urothelium, the submucosal layer is usually expressed poorly. In a diverticulum wall the muscle fibers characteristic of an ureter wall, or in general are absent, or have the chaotic direction, alternating with coarse-fibered fibrous fabric. Diverticulums almost only in pelvic department of an ureter are localized.

Дивертикул мочеточника (в)

Ureter diverticulum (in)

Ureter Diverticulum symptoms:

The clinical symptomatology at an ureter diverticulum most often is absent. Symptoms appear only in case of accession of complications. Stagnation of urine in a diverticulum can lead to emergence of inflammatory process (diverticulitis), to a lithogenesis in a diverticulum gleam. Cases of primary papillary tumor of a diverticulum are described.

Ureter Diverticulum reasons:

Etiologically the diverticulum of an ureter is anomaly of development of urinogenital system.

Treatment of the Diverticulum of an ureter:

In the absence of complications accidentally revealed diverticulum of treatment does not demand; in the presence of complications operation — full removal of a diverticulum with stitching (anastomosis) on an ureter is shown. The forecast in the absence of considerable disturbances of renal function  favorable.

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