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Mydriasis (Latin mydriasis) — a mydriasis. The reasons can be both physiological, and pathological. The mydriasis is normal bilateral and symmetric. In physiological conditions arises at illumination lowering of the level, for example in twilight or in badly lit rooms. Also this phenomenon often arises owing to use of pharmacological drugs. For example, result atropine in similar effect and циклопентолат (cyclomedical). Also this clinical symptom is a symptom of poisoning with a number of chemicals (for example, at a poisoning with barbiturates, the mydriasis will testify to the third phase of acute poisoning).
It is possible to differentiate a pathological mydriasis from physiological on a photoharmose. At illumination of an eye, normal, there is a narrowing of a pupil, at pathology expansion remains or changes slightly. Considerable asymmetry of a mydriasis can be a symptom of a serious craniocereberal injury.

Mydriasis symptoms:

The mydriasis happens spastic, from a spasm of the dilatator and paralytic from sphincter paralysis. The spastic mydriasis results from excitement of a sympathetic nerve as in the eye (a nayoprimer, at admission in a cocaine eye), and out of an eye. To the last group the mydriasis at strong psikhicheyosky vozbuzhdeniye otyonositsya, at a bazedovy disease, at cerebrospinal meningitis, at poisoning with carbonic acid, etc. the Paralitiyochesky mydriasis also arises from the local and general reasons. Locally paralytic mydriasis is caused by admission of atropine and Scopolaminum, and also happens at nekotoyory diseases of an eye, for example, at glaucoma. As a result of a stupid injury of glazyony apple there can be also paralitiyochesky mydriasis. To the general reasons, vyzyyovayushchy a paralytic mydriasis, poisonings (botulism, poisoning with a belladonna, mushrooms) and diseases of a nervous system otnoyositsya (syphilis). The mydriasis at a skull injury usually happens on the same stoyorena where the subdural gemayotoma is located. For differentiation of a paralytic mydriasis from spastic reaction a pupil on light matters: at a paralytic mydriasis the photoharmose is absent (a so-called absolute nepodvizhyonost of a pupil).

Mydriasis reasons:

The mydriasis develops against the background of a basic disease - at a bazedovy disease, a hyperphrenia, glaucoma, botulism, various poisonings, etc.

Treatment of the Mydriasis:

Use of drugs is the cornerstone of treatment of a mydriasis: M, N-cholinomimetics such as Acetylcholine, Carbacholinum. M-cholinomimetics Aceclidine and Pilocarpinum hydrochloride. N-cholinomimetics Cytitonum and Lobelini hydrochloridum, and also it is possible to apply an alpha adrenoblockers: phentolamine, Tropaphenum, Prazozinum.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Mydriasis:

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