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Hepatoptosis (gepatoptosis) – liver shift in an abdominal cavity below a normal arrangement on the vertical line.
The hepatoptosis is called differently a hepatoptosis.

Анатомические особенности печени

Anatomic features of a liver

Hepatoptosis reasons:

As independent manifestation meets seldom, more often the hepatoptosis is observed at the general splanchnoptosia when all or several internals of an abdominal cavity are displaced below a normal arrangement. The hepatoptosis meets more often at female persons, after sharp weight loss, during the puerperal period at heavy exercise stresses, at poor development of muscles of a front abdominal wall, and also at a genetic disorder of development of the copular device of a liver.

Hepatoptosis symptoms:

At liver shift there is a deformation of shares and as a result liver capsule tension from top to bottom that the hypochondrium, their irradiation to the area of a backbone, shovel and shoulder is shown by developing of pains in right. At a considerable hepatoptosis disturbance in portal blood supply, omission of a gall bladder and a bend of the right colon is observed that leads to accession of the corresponding this pathology of symptomatology. Radiological and ultrasonography in a standing position helps to establish the diagnosis.

Treatment of a hepatoptosis:

There is no specific treatment. Carry out treatment of a basic disease.

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