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Fosfaturiya comes down to disturbance of phosphorus-calcium exchange and is characterized by tendency to loss from urine in a deposit of insoluble calcic salts of phosphoric acid of which concrements (phosphates) can be formed in urinary tract.

Fosfaturiya's symptoms:

At patients with a fosfaturiya intensively muddy urine containing a significant amount of salts of phosphates and reminding divorced milk by outward is emitted. Frequent formation of the friable, easily scattered stones is characteristic of a fosfaturiya.

Fosfaturiya's reasons:

In development of a fosfaturiya attach significance to change of reactions of urine on alkaline, to excess removal with urine of calcium and to allocation disturbance by kidneys of the protective colloids holding normal phosphates in the dissolved state.
The secondary fosfaturiya can meet at a peptic ulcer, gastritis the increased gastric secretion, a pulmonary tuberculosis, a diabetes mellitus, a bronchoectatic disease.

Fosfaturiya's treatment:

Clinical nutrition is directed to change of reaction of urine in the acid party, decrease in removal by kidneys of salts of calcium and reduction of their concentration in urine, decrease in excitability of a nervous system and braking of gastric secretion.

Energy value of a diet has to correspond to energy costs of an organism and become covered due to optimum amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Introduction of the increased amount of Retinolum (vitamin A) and physiological norm of other vitamins is shown. Retinolum exerts beneficial effect on cells of urinary tract and prevents formation of stones.

Decrease in concentration of salts of calcium in urine is reached by increase in a diuresis and restriction of removal with calcium urine. Increase in a diuresis is provided with the use of the increased amount of liquid (to 2 — 2,5 l) and salt restriction (to 8 — 10 g) which promotes a liquid delay in an organism. For the purpose of reduction of removal of calcium with urine it is necessary to limit the use of the products rich with calcium (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, cocoa, eggs).

The shift of reaction of urine in the acid party is promoted by restriction in a diet of the products rich with alkaline metals (vegetables, fruit), and inclusion of the products rich with acid radicals (meat, fish, flour products, groat dishes, etc.). In this regard the vegetables poor in calcium and alkaline metals (pumpkin, bean, a Brussels sprout, an asparagus), and also the containing acid metals (red currant, cowberry, acid apples) are resolved in limited quantity.

Inclusion in a diet of vegetables and fruit allows to provide an organism with many vitamins and salts of potassium promoting a diuresis.

As an additional source of vitamins (Retinolum, ergocalciferols, groups B, etc.) Yeast, fish oil, butter, bread with bran are recommended.

For the purpose of shift of reaction of urine in the acid party the use of the "Dolomite" narzan is recommended.

Are excluded: the products promoting excitement of a nervous system and stimulating gastric secretion (alcoholic beverages, acute snack, fish and beef-infusion broths, jelly, natural coffee, cocoa, spices, grain kvass).

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Fosfaturiya's treatment:

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