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    * Hypomnesias — memory easing. Easing of memory can arise with age or/and as a result of any brain disease (a sclerosis of brain vessels, epilepsy etc.).
    * Hypermnesias — the abnormal sharpening of memory in comparison with normal indicators, is observed much less often. The people differing in this feature forget events with great difficulty (Shereshevsky)
    * Paramnesias which mean the false or distorted memoirs, and also shift of the present and last, real and imagined.

Children's amnesia — loss of memory is especially allocated for events of the early childhood. Apparently, this type of amnesia is connected with immaturity of hippocampal bonds, or with use of other methods of coding of "keys" to memory at this age.

Symptoms of Dysmnesias:

Hypomnesias - memory easing. At the same time all making memories suffer: the patient hardly perceives new and remembers the heard names, phones, events. Cannot keep them in memory, it is forced to use the notebook that did not do earlier, and at the moment, necessary for it, cannot remember a necessary name or phone and often finds it difficult to find written down. The hypomnesia is most often observed at organic diseases of a brain - atherosclerosis, a hypertension, but can take place and at asthenic states, the more persistently the person tries to remember something, the this reminiscence is slowed down more.
Hypermnesia - as if memory improvement though actually is rather disorganization of memory. The person involuntarily remembers unnecessary details from the past. These features can be observed at maniacal states and at some intoxications at which the events of the remote past which do not have relations to the real conversation involuntarily begin to be remembered.
Amnesia.  Allocate lacunary, or ostrovchaty, and total amnesia.
Loss from memory of the separate periods or events is characteristic of lacunary amnesia. It can be observed at disorders of consciousness, hysterical frustration at which events, unpleasant for this personality, are forgotten, at traumatic frustration with superficial or short-term switching off of consciousness. Retrograde and anterograde amnesia belongs to lacunary.
Retrograde amnesia - is lost memory on the events preceding a craniocereberal injury, a serious infectious disease, stupefaction. Duration of retrograde amnesia is various, from several hours to one days, weeks and months.
"And., 42 years, it was found about a railroad cloth in unconsciousness. When consciousness was recovered, he could not tell what happened to it. He only remembered how he sat down in an electric train to go to the dacha. It became clear that it passed distance equal to half an hour and about an hour more lay on the earth until it was found."
Ecmnesia - loss of memory on events which took place after the patient left a condition of the dulled consciousness or a condition of switching off of consciousness. Duration happens various. The patient after a craniocereberal injury was several days in coma, then when the condition of consciousness cleared up, he met the family, talked to them, and then in several days told the family that he does not remember that they to it came, does not remember that it was transferred to other chamber, drove on a computer tomography: "I know about it according to personnel, and I do not remember it". Often at craniocereberal injuries the retroecmnesia is observed.
During an ecmnesia inability of the patient to remember the current events is found. These are passing frustration like fixating amnesia. At more hard cases fixating amnesia has resistant character, the patient loses ability to remember the current events, he does not remember a day of the week, number, what is the time is in hospital whether ate food, medicine, cannot remember the chamber, a bed, a name of the doctor, etc.
"The patient hospitably meets students, but right there warns that after the conversation he was brought into chamber and put on his bed as he will not be able to find. The patient does not remember, what is the time he is in hospital "can be, month or maybe arrived yesterday", does not remember a name of the doctor whether took medicine, whether his family visited."
The progressing amnesia at which first of all memory on the current and nearby events suffers belongs to total dysmnesias, and then last events are gradually forgotten, and process of a zabyvaniye goes of the present to the past (Ribot's law). The patient does not remember how call his grandsons, then does not remember names of children, but keeps v'pamyat names of companions with which studied at elementary school.
Amnesia at children is expressed as full or partial loss of memoirs for the dulled consciousness at deliriums, oneiroid, a twilight condition of consciousness, an oglushennost, at the same time amnesia, as a rule, partial
Palimpsests (from Greek palimpssest - scraping) as the special form of amnesia is observed at alcoholism at teenagers.
Retrograde amnesia at children and teenagers is observed for the short period and is expressed vaguely.
More often at children's and teenage age the dysmnesias consisting of weakening of storing with disturbance of a retention and reproduction (reproduction) of material of memory are observed. Dismnestichesky disturbances are more often observed at children of school age. At children of younger age it is more difficult to reveal these frustration, but about insufficiency of mnestichesky functions at these children it is possible to judge by the fact that the child forgets what its locker in kindergarten, a toy, in these cases often is about recognition disturbance.
Persistent dysmnesias are observed in structure of a psychoorganic syndrome.
Paramnesias - false memoirs.
Pseudoreminiscences - false memoirs: the person remembers those events which were actually, but treat other time. The patient claims that yesterday he went to work or visited friends, was at movie theater. These events, undoubtedly, happened to it, but in other time.
Confabulations - fictional memoirs: the patient reports about events which never happened to him.
Cryptomnesias - such disturbance of memory when the person cannot solve, there was this event actually or he dreamed it; some story heard or read, and then begins to think that it wrote him.
Pseudoreminiscences at children and teenagers can be observed occasionally in structure of a korsakovsky syndrome. More often confabulations occur at children and младпшх teenagers. Due to the intensive activity of imagination of confabulation at them are decked by colourful and fantastic details.
Anamnestic cider. It is for the first time described by S. S. Korsakov in clinic of alcoholic psychosis. The prevailing frustration is fixating amnesia: patients do not remember the current events, cannot find the chamber, do not remember a name and a face of the doctor, are not guided in time, do not remember how long they are in hospital, cannot tell that a fir-tree for breakfast and a lunch and whether to a fir-tree whether took medicine.
At a number of patients ability to logical thinking remains. The patient does not remember, he had breakfast or not, but having looked for hours declares that he, most likely, ate as time of a breakfast passed. Disorders of storing are followed by pseudoreminiscences and confabulations which fill memory gaps. The anamnestic disorientation in time is characteristic, the patient does not remember, what is the time he in hospital "can be, one day or maybe month".
The anamnestic korsakovsky syndrome seldom meets at children's age, it is observed at children 10 years and at teenagers are more senior.
The anamnestic syndrome at children's age is short - from several weeks to 2,5 months, - dysmnesias are considerably reversible.
Atypical forms of an anamnestic syndrome with retrograde amnesia, passing losses of the acquired skills are observed at children as effects of clinical death.

Reasons of Dysmnesias:

Dysmnesias meet at such nazologiya as organic lesion of a brain, craniocereberal injuries, maniacal states, a drunkenness, schizophrenia, a depression, starvation, disturbances of cerebral  circulation, encephalopathy, dementia, senile dementia and мн. other.

Treatment of Dysmnesias:

Treatment of the main pathology.
Now for treatment of the specified symptoms the drugs improving microcirculation of a brain (реополиглюкин, trental, агапурин, niacin drugs, нимодипин, пикамилон), recovering metabolism of brain cells (Cerebrolysinum, nootropil, piracetam, Tanakanum, B6 vitamin, glyutaminovy acid) stimulating active storing widely are used. Important value has to have employment with restriction of psychological loading, the solution of crossword puzzles, logical tasks, business games.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of Dysmnesias:

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