DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Traumatology and orthopedics Pathological fracture of a bone

Pathological fracture of a bone


Pathological fracture of a bone — a bone fracture in a zone of its pathological reorganization.

Symptoms of the Pathological fracture of bone:

The brightest symptom testimonial of pathological character, developing of a fracture from an injury, inadequate on force (is most often when falling from height of growth or smaller) or without that. In certain cases in the anamnesis it is possible to reveal pains or discomfort in the field of a change before its emergence. Methods of a X-ray analysis, a computer or magnetic and resonant tomography are more reliable in diagnosis of pathological nature of a fracture. In some cases only the biopsy allows to establish the nature of the pathological process which caused a change.

Typical localization of pathological changes — a femur neck, vertebras, a distal epiphysis of a beam bone (Kollis's change). After an exception of other reasons of a pathological change (neoplastic process, etc.) the diagnosis "osteoporosis", regardless of the bones given to densitometry is made to the patient.

Патологический перелом лучевой кости после биопсии

Pathological fracture of a beam bone after a biopsy

Reasons of the Pathological fracture of bone:

Develops against the background of an osteoporozom, tumors, osteomyelitis, etc.

Treatment of the Pathological fracture of bone:

Consolidation of pathological changes is often complicated in connection with background pathology of a bone tissue because of what patients can remain a long time immobilized that leads to complications, often lethal. So, in Great Britain mortality within the first year after a fracture of a neck of a hip fluctuates from 20% to 35% at patients with age 82±7 years of which 80% make women.

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