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Препарат Левомеколь. ХФЗ ЗАО НПЦ Борщаговский Украина

Producer: HFZ CJSC NPTs Borshchagovsky Ukraina

Code of automatic telephone exchange: D03AX50

Release form: Soft dosage forms. Ointment.

Indications to use: Contaminated wounds.

General characteristics. Structure:

Main physical and chemical properties: ointment of color, white or white with a yellowish shade; structure: 100 g of ointment contain chloramphenicol 0,75 g, methyluracil of 4,0 g; excipients: poly(ethylene oxide)-1500, poly(ethylene oxide)-400.

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacodynamics. The combined drug for topical administration with antiinflammatory and antimicrobic action. The chloramphenicol which is a part of drug provides antimicrobic action which mechanism is connected with disturbance of protein synthesis of microorganisms. Works bacteriostatically, active rather gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (staphylococcus, streptococci, pyocyanic and intestinal sticks). Methyluracil promotes scarring of wounds.
The Polietilenoksidny basis adsorbs wound exudate, exponentiates activity of medicinal substances. Drug easily gets into fabrics without damage of biological membranes, however extent of system absorption after use of drug on skin, wounds and mucous membranes is unknown.

Indications to use:

Levomekol apply at the purulent wounds infected with the mixed microbic flora, including staphylococcus, pyocyanic and intestinal sticks, for the purpose of clarification of wounds from it is purulent - the necrotic mass and reduction of hypostasis in the first it is purulent - a necrotic phase of a wound process.

Route of administration and doses:

Levomekol apply locally. Impregnate with ointment sterile gauze napkins with which fill a wound. Administration of ointment in purulent cavities through a catheter (a drainage tube) by means of the syringe is possible. In these cases Levomekol previously warm up up to 35-36 °C. Bandagings carry out daily before full clarification of a wound from is purulent - necrotic masses.

Features of use:

Use of antibacterial agents for external use can lead to a skin sensitization that is followed by development of hypersensitivity reactions at further use of this drug outwardly or in the form of a dosage form of systemic action.
In the presence of pus or necrotic masses antibacterial effect of drug remains.

Side effects:

At use of drug development of allergic reactions (skin rashes), irritant action (a burning sensation, an itch, hypostasis and other signs which were not noted before treatment) is possible. In these cases use of ointment should be stopped.

Interaction with other medicines:

Levomekol's interaction with other medicines meanwhile is unknown.


Individual hypersensitivity to drug components. An allergy or toxic reaction to chloramphenicol in the anamnesis.


About overdose of drug there were no messages. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider that long external use often leads to a contact sensitization.

Storage conditions:

Store in dry, cool, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children. A period of validity - 2 years.

Issue conditions:

Without recipe


Ointment on 30 g in banks or tubas.

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