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Alalia (гр. and - the prefix meaning denial or lack of quality + Greek lalia the speech) — absence or an underdevelopment of the speech at children at normal hearing and initially safe intelligence; the alalia reason, damage of speech areas of big cerebral hemispheres at childbirth, and also the brain diseases or injuries transferred the child in dorechevy the life period most often is; heavy degrees of an alalia are expressed at children by total absence of the speech or existence of lepetny fragments of words; in more mild cases the speech rudiments which are characterized by limitation of a vocabulary, an agrammatism, difficulties in assimilation of reading and the letter are observed.

In strict sense of the word an alalia — the total absence or rather expressed deficiency of the speech (a producing the speech or its perception) which is not caused by defects of intelligence and hearing. To the accepted division of an alalia on motor and touch in MKB-10 there correspond frustration of expressional (F80.1) and the receptive speech (F80.2). The alalia should be distinguished from a specific alalia which represents disturbances of language and the speech at adequate I.Q. and lack of any other frustration, including brain damages.

Alalia motor (. motoria; lat. motor motive) — the underdevelopment of the expressional speech expressed by difficulties in mastering the active dictionary and a grammatical system of language at rather safe understanding of the speech; motorno the frustration or an underdevelopment of analitiko-synthetic activity of the speech motor analyzer expressed, in particular, by replacement of thin and difficult articulation differentiations more rough and simple is the cornerstone of an alalia; the reason — defeat of the cortical end of the speech motor analyzer (Brock's center) and his conduction paths.

Alalia touch (. sensoria; lat. sensus feeling, feeling) — an underdevelopment of the impressivny speech when the gap between sense and a sound cover of words is observed; at the child the understanding of the speech of people around, despite good hearing and safe developmental potencys of the active speech is broken; defeat of the cortical end of the slukhorechevy analyzer (Vernike's center) and his conduction paths is the reason of a touch alalia.

At the same time, this division is conditional as in practice take place of a combination and a motor alalia, and touch alalia.

Alalia symptoms:

Various degrees of an alalia are observed: from easy disturbances of the speech to heavy when the child does not speak up to 10 — 12 years or, despite long training, his speech is limited to a scanty lexicon, remaining at the level of the elementary agrammatichny speech.

The motor alalia developing at disturbance of functions of parietofrontal areas of bark of the left cerebral hemisphere (Brock's center) is also shown in disturbance of the expressional speech at rather good understanding of the turned speech, late formation of the phrase speech (after 4 years) and poverty of prespeech stages (frequent lack of babble). Is followed by gross violation of a grammatical system (lack of approval of words in a sort, a case and number, misuse of pretexts, absence in the speech of verbal forms, shift of syllables and sounds in the word, etc.). The expressed poverty of a lexicon takes place. The motor alalia is the cornerstone of disturbances of school skills like dyslexia and a dysgraphia, and also disturbances of a space gnozis and disorders of motility in the form of apraxia; it is combined with local and scattered neurologic symptomatology and defeat of structures of the dominant hemisphere defining possibilities of the expressional speech. In a mental condition of children with similar disturbance manifestations of different degree of manifestation of a psychoorganic syndrome in the form of motive disinhibition, disorders of attention and working capacity in combination with narushekniya of intellectual development are frequent.

The touch alalia arises at defeat of temporal area of the left hemisphere (Vernike's center) and is connected with disturbances of the akustiko-Gnostic party of the speech at safety of hearing. It is shown in insufficient understanding of the turned speech and gross violation of its phonetic party with undifferentiation of sounds. At children correlation between a subject and the word is complicated and detained in development: they do not understand the speech of people around owing to what and the expressional speech is extremely limited. Children distort words, mix sounds, similar on a pronunciation, do not listen to the speech of people around, can not respond to call, but react at the same time to abstract noise, echolalias are noted; the acoustical attention is sharply broken though the timbre of the speech and intonation are not changed. In mental sostoyakniya are noted signs of organic lesion of a brain — quite often in combination with an intellectual underdevelopment with the broad range (from easy partial arrests of development to an oligophrenia).

Dissociation between verbal and nonverbal forms of mental activity is characteristic of all forms of an alalia. Nonverbal tasks are performed without the expressed difficulties according to age of the child (sense and the sequence of subject images, graphic analogies and so forth). Delays of rate of development of the speech are shown that separate stages of speech skills — festivities, babble, emergence of a lepetny monologue, separate words, phrases, etc. — form with delay, their redutsirovannost is noted or they are absent. In addition to extension of terms of formation of function, long preservation of earlier passable stages of development of the speech — the egocentric speech, replacement of the speech with gesticulation or expressive shouts without words, delay of emergence of the expressional speech is characteristic at rather good understanding of the turned speech. Besides, poverty of a lexicon, easy agrammatisms, tongue-tie can be noted.

Alalia reasons:

The etiology and pathogeny are various: inflammatory processes and brain injuries, alimentary and trophic, exchange disturbances in the pre-natal and early post-natal period of development of the child.

Treatment of the Alalia:

The most effectively complex treatment:

    * Logopedic occupations: special system of the logopedic occupations promoting development of the speech in children with a motor and touch form of an alalia. Systematic occupations are necessary
    * Logopedic massage: massage of the articulation muscles participating in pronouncing sounds. It is carried out by special probes and contributes to normalization of a tone of speech muscles for simplification of a sound pronunciation. It is necessary for children with motor and sensomotor A. Provoditsya courses till 8-10 of sessions.
    * Microcurrent reflexotherapy: activation of the speech zones of a brain (which are responsible for diction, a lexicon, desire to come into speech contact, understanding of the turned speech, skill of creation of compound sentences). It is effective at children from a motor, touch and sensomotor alalia. Schemes of treatment are selected individually - taking into account features of an arrest of development at each child. It is carried out by courses on 15 sessions.

Efficiency of medicamentous therapy of a nootropama is very doubtful. Often for improvement of the speech by the neurologist row drugs are appointed: Gammalonum, Korteksin, Tserakson, Kogitum, B12, B15 vitamins and so forth. There are no convincing scientific proofs of efficiency and safety of these drugs and the more so any dietary supplements at disturbances of the speech. Very often normal development of the child is attributed to allegedly developing effect of such drugs.

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