Main > Diseases> Insulinoma


Insulinoma – this one of kinds of tumors which cosecretes a significant amount of insulin that, in turn, leads to frequent development in sick attacks of a hypoglycemia (to low level of content of glucose in blood serum). The insulinoma of a pancreas is most often observed. Very seldom insulinoma can arise in a small or large intestine, and also in a liver.Инсулинома на снимке УЗИ

Insulinoma, generally strikes people most of working-age from 25 to 55 years. And here this tumor practically does not occur at children and teenagers.

In 90% of cases of an insulinom of a pancreas represents a benign tumor. At some patients emergence of an insulinoma is one of symptoms of endocrine multiple adenomatosis.

Insulinoma: symptoms

The main manifestation of an insulinoma are the hypoglycemia attacks caused by the increased content in blood of patients of insulin. Patients have sudden attacks of the expressed general weakness, fatigue which are followed by tachycardia (cardiopalmus), perspiration, sensation of fear, concern. At the same time patients starve to death. After meal all these symptoms of an insulinoma disappear practically at once.

The current of an insulinoma is the most dangerous at the patients who are not feeling a condition of a hypoglycemia. In this regard they cannot timely eat food and stabilize the state. At further decrease in concentration of glucose in blood their behavior becomes inadequate. Patients have hallucinations which are followed by rather bright and figurative pictures. There is hypersalivation, plentiful sweating, doubling in eyes. The patient can take violent acts concerning surrounding his faces with the purpose to take away from them food stuffs.

Further falling of level of glucose in blood serum leads to increase in a tone of muscles, up to the developed epileptic seizure. Tachycardia accrues, arterial pressure increases, and pupils extend.

If medical care is not provided to the patient, then there comes the hypoglycemic coma. Consciousness is lost, pupils extend, the tone of muscles decreases, sweating stops, the cordial rhythm and a respiratory rhythm is broken, arterial pressure falls. Against the background of a hypoglycemic coma at the patient brain hypostasis can develop.

In addition to hypoglycemia attacks one more symptom of an insulinoma is increase in body weight up to development of obesity.

Very important that not only sick, but also their immediate family well knew insulinoma symptoms that timely could interrupt a hypoglycemia attack, without having allowed development of psychosis or a coma.

Deficit of glucose harmful affects brain neurons. Therefore frequent and long a coma at an insulinoma can become the reason of development in the patient of distsirkulyatorny encephalopathy, parkinsonism, a convulsive syndrome.

Diagnosis of an insulinoma

Diagnosis of an insulinoma provides sometimes considerable difficulties. At suspicion on insuliny the person is hospitalized and under careful medical control appoint to it starvation to 24 – 72 hours. At emergence of symptoms of an insulinoma in the patient take blood for determination of the content in it of glucose and insulin. Existence of an insulinoma is indicated by the low level of glucose and high concentration of insulin.

At the following diagnostic stage reveal the exact place of localization of an insulinoma. For this purpose will execute a magnetic resonance or computer tomography, ultrasonography. In some cases carrying out a diagnostic laparoscopy or laparotomy can be required.Основной метод лечения инсулиномы - удаление

Insulinoma: treatment

The main method of treatment of an insulinoma is surgery. In its course make an oncotomy within healthy fabrics.

When operational treatment of an insulinoma for any reasons to execute is impossible appoint conservative therapy. It consists in a balanced diet of patients, timely stopping of attacks of a hypoglycemia, the medicinal therapy directed to improvement of exchange processes in a brain.

For stopping of an attack of a hypoglycemia it is the simplest to offer the patient a glass of sweet hot tea or candy. At disturbance of consciousness it is necessary to enter glucose solution intravenously. At development of an attack of psychosis or a hypoglycemic coma it is necessary to call an ambulance crew immediately.

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