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Cauliflower caloric content

Калорийность цветной капусты - 29 ккал на 100 граммCauliflower – the vegetable culture relating to a species of cabbage garden. This one-year or winter plant with large inflorescences and juicy, tasty escapes. A cauliflower also call curly. The ratio in a cauliflower of calories, nutrients and vitamins turns this vegetable into irreplaceable ingredient of a diet. Thanks to unique structure, tastes and dietary properties, the cauliflower is often applied in cookery to preparation of various dishes. What useful properties of a cauliflower, caloric content? How it is possible to benefit from a cauliflower for an organism?

Cauliflower: caloric content, structure

The cauliflower is known to much, however not all know about its unique properties allowing to clear an organism, to normalize functions of its systems to effectively lose weight, at the same time eating tasty and nourishingly. A cauliflower which caloric content incredibly low, is an invariable source necessary for normal functioning of an organism micro and macrocells.

The cauliflower surpasses other vegetables and many fruit in the vitamin structure. So, 50 g of this tasty vegetable deliver standard daily rate of vitamin C in an organism. This vitamin, as well as vitamin A, is powerful antioxidant for an organism.

The cauliflower which caloric content makes only 29 calories contains:

  • Vitamins – A, C, B1, B2, B6, PP, N, U, D, E, K;
  • Mineral substances – iron, zinc, copper, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, sodium, calcium, fluorine, selenium.

The Nutriyentny structure of this vegetable varies from a way of preparation of a cauliflower:

  • Proteins – 2,5g;
  • Fats – 0,3g;
  • Carbohydrates – 5,4g.

The cauliflower also contains pectinaceous substances, apple and lemon acids, folic and pantothenic acids.

For normal life activity the organism needs the balanced intake of all vitamins and nutrients what it is extremely difficult to reach in food. Introduction to a diet of a cauliflower which caloric content allows not to exclude this vegetable even during observance of a diet will allow to fill balance of vitamins and micro, macrocells.

Purine – the elementary representative pirimidinovy whose derivatives play an important role during many processes in an organism (DNA and RNA purine connections) therefore this vegetable is not recommended at disturbances of purine exchange in an organism is a part of a cauliflower.

Useful properties of a cauliflower

The rich structure of a cauliflower, caloric content, nutritiousness define useful properties of this vegetable. The cauliflower differs in thinner structure of food fibers in its structure thanks to what it is acquired much easier than other grades of cabbage. Smaller content of rough cellulose in a cauliflower which caloric content remains at extremely low level at any ways of preparation allows an organism easier to digest cellulose fibers, making smaller irritable impact on a mucous membrane of a stomach. The thin cellular structure of cabbage allows to enter it into a diet to patients with dysfunction of a GIT (stomach ulcer, a duodenum, gastritises) the group B Vitamins which are contained in cabbage of this grade make the calming impact on a nervous system. Tartronic acid as a part of a cauliflower which caloric content turns it into one of key dietary products interferes with formation and excess adjournment of fatty fibers.

The cauliflower improves exchange processes in an organism. Having easy laxative effect, this vegetable effectively and softly clears intestines that also promotes effective weight reduction. The cauliflower normalizes function of cardiovascular system, the musculoskeletal device, endocrine and immune systems (a disease of a liver, a gall bladder). High content in a product of phytalbumin turns a cauliflower into irreplaceable ingredient of a children's and teenage diet. Cabbage at the constant use stimulates appetite, normalizes hemopoiesis function, improves a condition of vessels, strengthens immunity, promotes strengthening of a bone tissue. The cauliflower which caloric content is low at high nutritional value provides long feeling of saturation.

The main contraindications to the use of this product are:

  • Gout;
  • Disturbance of purine exchange;
  • Allergic reactions.

Cauliflower: calories and ways of preparation

How many calories in a cauliflower? Energy value of this product somewhat depends on ways of its preparation. A cauliflower – one of the few products which can be used as in the raw, and in boiled, fried, stewed, salty, marinated. This vegetable perfectly gives in to freezing. All know that the most part of vitamins and useful substances collapse in the course of heat treatment of products. And how many calories in a cauliflower after boiling, frying, suppression?

Nutriyentny structure of a boiled cauliflower which caloric content makes 30 calories on 100 g of a product:

  • Proteins – 1,8g;
  • Fats – 0,3g;
  • Carbohydrates – 4,0g.

The Nutriyentny structure of a fried cauliflower which calories significantly increase and is reached by 120 kcal:Калорийность цветной капусты отварной - 30 ккал на 100 гр

  • Proteins – 3,0g;
  • Fats – 10,0g;
  • Carbohydrates – 5,7g.

Contents level increases in a cauliflower of calories at addition of various fats. Giving preference to such way of preparation of a cauliflower which caloric content at the same time goes beyond norms of dietary products, it is necessary to add vegetable fats to a dish. The best option for roasting of a cauliflower is olive oil. Some recipes offer batter for frying of a cauliflower which calories will increase even more. So, one portion (100 g) of the cabbage fried in batter contains up to 180 calories.

The stewed and baked cauliflower which caloric content will also depend on additional ingredients varies from 52 calories in 100 g of a dish (with addition of a tomato without fat), to 112 calories in 100 g at fat addition.

The cauliflower which caloric content is low enters a basis of many diets, the simplest of which is the three-day diet. The menu of this diet includes:

  • 1,5kg cauliflower;
  • The water purified, not gassy, unsweetened – 2 l;
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon – several segments.

The cauliflower is boiled with salt addition (spices and greens it is desirable to exclude), divided into 6-8 equal portions and used during the day. Considering impact of a cauliflower on the GIT function, the diet excludes fermented milk products. For calm of a nervous system, disposal of a stress and improvement of a dream, the diet recommends to drink for the night 1 glass of water with the dissolved honey. In the morning the diet recommends to drink 1 glass of water with a lemon on an empty stomach for start of a stomach. The first meal is allowed in 1 hour.

Efficiency of a diet – to 3 kg in 3 days. The cauliflower will allow to lose weight without physiological stress for an organism, avoiding starvation.

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