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Honey caloric content

Калорийность меда - 327 ккал на 100 гSince ancient times honey is considered not only a tasty, but also nutritious and useful product. However, the question how many calories in honey and how to lose weight with honey interests many?

Composition of honey

Honey contains the mass of useful substances, such as carotene, a protein, ascorbic acid, group B vitamins, RR vitamin, essential oils, enzymes, sugar, organic acids, nitrogenous compounds. In total in honey there are about 300 various substances from which 33 – useful microelements. Thus, nutrition value (not caloric content) of honey makes 82 g of carbohydrates on 100 g of a product.

At honey there is a large amount of fructose (about 40%) and glucose (about 35%). And, if the content of fructose increases, honey becomes more sweet and the caloric content of honey increases, and at increase in amount of glucose honey is exposed to crystallization. Also at honey there is water (15-22%).

Unique relish to honey is impacted by such organic acids as apple, milk, lemon, etc. Besides, at honey there are about 20 amino acids and various enzymes (invertase, a lipase, a diastase, etc.).

How many calories in honey?

On average, the caloric content of honey makes about 327 kcal on 100 g of a product. Thus, the caloric content of honey can be compared to condensed milk, white bread, a beluga, calf's liver, mutton.

How many calories in honey, depend also on its grade. So, in lime grades of honey caloric content is no more than 380 kcal, and in dark and tart grades – 390-420 kcal.

Despite the high caloric content of honey, it is considered nevertheless more dietary product as calories can be carried not to sugar, and the glucose which is contained in honey.

And how many calories in a spoon of honey table and tea? Caloric content of a spoon of honey of the dining room makes about 56 kcal (17 g), and the caloric content of a spoon of honey of tea – 26 kcal (8 g of a product).

Useful properties of honey

Thanks to high content in honey of useful substances, it has the mass of medicinal properties. So, honey contributes to normalization of activity of digestive tract, is useful at dysbacteriosis, regulates motility of intestines, awakens appetite, calms nerves, normalizes a dream, is excellent prevention of a sclerosis.

Also honey has bactericidal and antiinflammatory properties, accelerates healing of fabrics, increases immunity, has soothing property.

Despite the high caloric content of honey, it is useful to use it at diseases of internals, anemia, nervous breakdowns as its comprehensibility makes 100%. Therefore honey is always recommended to people in the postoperative period, to children with the weakened health and to people of old age.

In day doctors recommend to eat about 100 g of honey the adult and 50 g to children.

How to lose weight with honey?

Despite the high caloric content of honey (it is more caloric than sugar), it contains such large amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that, all combined, they effectively help to fight against excess weight. It is possible even to tell that honey – the only useful sweet for growing thin.Калорийность меда высокая, но его эффективно применяют для похудения

Many women will tell that sweet products help them to cope with a stress, well as you will lose weight here? That's it therefore honey which caloric content is quite high is capable to become an irreplaceable product for growing thin. Still ancient Indian sorcerers recommended it for treatment of obesity.

Honey diet: water with honey for weight loss

The honey diet is very simple and allows the use of any products, only the caloric content of a day diet should not exceed 1200 kcal. Diet duration – one week, but if you feel well, you can observe it longer.

The main rule of a honey diet is the use for breakfast and a dinner of water with honey for weight loss.

How to make honey drink? It is necessary to take one tablespoon of honey and to dissolve it in half of glass of warm not boiled water. At will it is possible to add a little lemon juice.

It is necessary to drink water with honey for weight loss in the morning on an empty stomach and somewhere for an hour till a dinner. It is necessary to drink off drink, and after that it is recommended to execute active physical warm-up (house cleaning, walk with a dog, etc.). It will help honey to get into intestines what to allow it to participate actively in process of clarification of an organism and will accelerate a metabolism.

Tea with honey for weight loss

Some choose one more way how to lose weight with honey – have tea with honey for weight loss. At preparation of tea with honey, it is necessary to consider that honey loses the biological properties if it is dissolved in hot water. Therefore the recipe of preparation of tea with honey for weight loss looks so: make two tablespoons of green tea (as it have fat-burning properties) and one tablespoon of the fresh ginger root which is previously crushed 300 ml of boiled water. Let's tea infuse not less than half an hour then add 1,5 liters of cold water and add one tablespoon of honey. Properly mix tea before full dissolution of honey.

It is recommended to accept tea with honey before each meal on one glass. If you have no problems with a stomach, it is possible to accept this tea and between meals, instead of usual tea, however it is not recommended to warm up it, besides, in order to avoid loss of valuable qualities of honey.

Despite the high caloric content of honey, tea with it many consider very effective for weight loss as green tea and ginger have fat-burning effects, and useful properties of honey help to fight against extra kilos effectively.

However it is necessary to consider that honey is strong allergen. Besides, honey drinks should be used as an additional tool for weight loss, but not to replace with it diets and exercise stresses.

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