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The Calvados – it alcoholic drink is from France. Кальвадос - напиток из яблочного сидраReceive it in the way of unary or double distillation of apple cider. In the course of processing of this easy drink (cider, on average, contains 5% of alcohol) and the Calvados, similar to cognac, which fortress makes 40% turns out.

In fact, the Calvados is apple brandy which, as well as the majority of the alcoholic beverages which are given rise in France is called as well as the territory on which it is made. The Calvados homeland – one of departments of Normandy known for the apple gardens. For production of drink use more than 30 grades of apples, and not simple, but elite, grown up especially for production of raw materials for a Calvados.

What longer sustained a Calvados, that it is more tasty and more fragrant. Two years of aging of drink in oak barrels, but, according to technology are considered as a minimum, brandies from apples can maintain 3, 4, 6, 12, 15 years. There are also "vintage" drinks which are more than 50 years old.

In the culinary purposes use one-year or two-year-old apple brandy, or in general unrestrained. With a Calvados cook cocktails, a flambe and other desserts.

Caloric content of a Calvados makes 256 calories.

Useful properties of a Calvados

Except that brandy from apples brings the real esthetic pleasure and is capable to satisfy the highest requests of gourmets, it stimulates work of digestive tract, improves appetite. For this reason drink of the minimum endurance is recommended as aperitif.

More respectable age the Calvados as well as possible is suitable for removal of tension after unlucky day, decoration of a slow conversation, use as digestive – drink which is taken during a meal for digestion improvement.Калорийность кальвадоса - 256 ккал

Drink a Calvados small drinks, slowly, having warmed up a few glass with drink in hands – so its aroma is better shown.

It is not necessary to say about other useful qualities of apple brandy that, however, does not prevent to be to a Calvados one of the most known and demanded alcoholic beverages of the world.

Contraindications to a Calvados

As it was already noticed, sustained apple by brandy – strong drink, same as vodka or cognac. It is clear, that its excessive use, despite magic apple taste, is fraught with complications of gastrointestinal diseases, failure in the functioning of a liver, pancreas, deterioration in brain, cardiovascular activity, reproductive function.

Cannot drink a Calvados pregnant women, the feeding women, children up to 18 years.

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