Main > Drugs> Capsaicine


Капсаицин - разновидность алкалоида в составе красного перца КапсикумCapsaicine is one of kinds of alkaloids with which different types of siliculose pepper Capsicum are in a varying degree rich.

Scope of capsaicine

The sphere of its use is very extensive. Most often capsaicine is used:

  • in the medical and recreational purposes (in medicine it concerns group of the pharmaceutical drugs "Revellents of a Natural Origin");
  • as an irritant in gas guns / revolvers;
  • as a filler for gas sprays and other aerosol means of individual self-defense;
  • as an insecticide for fight against the mollusks parasitizing on the bottoms of floating means, rats and other wreckers (powder is added to the varnishes and paints used for processing of surfaces);
  • as the frightening-off means for pets (for example "to disaccustom" a cat to sharpen claws in the place which is not put for this purpose).

Characteristics of capsaicine

Capsaicine represents ванилиламид 8-methyl-6-nonenoic acid – chemically resistant substance having an appearance of crystal powder. It has no the expressed color, but has very acute taste which in the simplified pungency scale on Scoville has the characteristic of "explosive" (explosif). Powder melts at a temperature of 65 °C. At 0,01 mm hg temperature of boiling makes 210-220 °C. The capsaicine milligram at hit on skin of the person is capable to cause the strongest corrosive burn, comparable on force of the influence with impact on skin the heated iron.

As well as the majority of other alkaloids, capsaicine is badly soluble substance in water. However it is well dissolved in various alcohols, chloroform, acetone, benzene, caustic alkalis. So, if the person ate very peppered food, the small dose of alcoholic drink (including beer), the sweetened cool water (about 20 °C) or, thanks to the protein which is contained in it to casein, milk will help to reduce burning manifestation.

Ways of industrial receiving

Commercially capsaicine is extracted from burning grades of pepper by an extraction method, using acetone as auxiliary ingredient. The received extract, as a rule, has well-marked orange or red color, and content of capsaicine in it makes from 5 to 10%.

Painful effect of substance

At hit (in a nose, eyes, upper airways) capsaicine provokes to mucous membranes pains, strong burning, department of slime, lachrymation. In some cases can serve as the reason of a spasm of bronchial tubes and throats that, in turn, can lead even to a short-term alalia. At hit of a small amount of substance on skin there are burn symptoms which are shown on increase, and then, approximately in 40-60 minutes, disappear. For its removal from an integument usually use vegetable oils, soda, vinegar, honey or milk.

In rare instances after use of capsaicine complications in the form of nausea, trouble breathing, defeats of a cornea of eyes, dermatitis, nasal bleedings, neuralgic frustration are possible.

If the unpleasant symptomatology does not disappear even several hours later, there can be a need for a symptomatic treatment.

For the person the capsaicine dose taken in calculation of 100 mg on 1 kg of weight is capable to cause death. That is, for the person weighing 60 kg the fatal outcome can come only at very bystry consumption of 2 kg of burning pepper.

Use of capsaicine in medicine

In the medical purposes capsaicine is used as a powerful tool for blocking of pain. It actively influences the substance P which is the transmitter of signals from nerve terminations to a brain. At the same time it not only reduces intensity of pain, but also promotes production of prostaglandins and collagenases which kill pain and remove manifestations of inflammatory process.Капсикам - мазь с капсаицином в составе

The capsaicine which is contained in pepper fruits is active ingredient of many ointments, creams and gels of the warming and antiinflammatory action. It perfectly supplements the therapy directed to treatment of heart troubles and vessels (including interferes with formation of blood clots in them). It is entered into composition of the drugs killing pains at arthritises and shingles appoint for use in the form of cream sick psoriasis, to the people suffering from an itch of integuments and from a diabetic neuropathy. On the basis of capsaicine produce frostbite ointments. "Peppery" nasal sprays kill pains at migraines.

Use in food of hot pepper or dietary supplements on its basis allows to normalize acidity of a stomach and digestive processes.

Capsaicine promotes production of the enzymes participating in combustion of fats and accelerates exchange processes of an organism. Therefore it is included in a diet by athletes and just those who want to get rid of excess weight.

One of the recent researches conducted by scientists of the Nottingham university allowed to make important discovery which can resolve an issue of treatment of oncological diseases. So, according to their statement, capsaicine is capable to destroy in large quantities cancer cells, exerting impact on mitochondrions which are an energy source for cells of this type. At the same time it does not influence healthy cells in any way.

Contraindications to capsaicine use

Capsaicine is contraindicated to the pregnant women and women nursing at hypersensitivity to this substance, at ulcers. It is impossible to allow its hits on open wounds and the damaged sites of skin.

Anyway, before the use of drugs on the basis of this substance, consultation at the attending physician is necessary.

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