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from 496 rub.

Кардура в таблетках 1 мгCardura – alfa1-adrenoblocker. The anti-hypertensive means applied at disturbances of an urination against the background of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – tablets: a round biconvex form, white color, with an engraving of "Pfizer" on one party and "CN 1", "CN 2" or "CN 4" – on another (in blisters on 7 pieces, in a cardboard pack 2 blisters, on 10 pieces, in a cardboard pack 3 blisters, on 14 pieces, in a cardboard pack 1 blister).

Active agent – a doksazozina мезилат, its content is to 1 tablet with an engraving:

  • CN of 1 - 1,213 mg, or 1 mg of a doksazozin;
  • CN of 2 - 2,43 mg, or 2 mg of a doksazozin;
  • CN of 4 - 4,85 mg, or 4 mg of a doksazozin.

Auxiliary components: lactoses monohydrate, sodium carboxymethylstarch, cellulose microcrystallic, sodium lauryl sulfate, magnesium stearate.

Indications to use

  • Arterial hypertension (as a part of a combination therapy);
  • Benign Hyperplasia of a Prostate (BHP);
  • The delay of outflow of urine and other symptoms connected with DGPZh.


  • Liver failure in the heavy or progressing form;
  • Anury;
  • Stones in a bladder;
  • Infections of urinary tract;
  • The accompanying obstruction of upper urinary tract;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Hypotension and tendency to orthostatic disturbances, including in the anamnesis;
  • Glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption, lactose intolerance, deficit of lactase;
  • Hypersensitivity to components of drug and quinazolines.

With care appoint Cardura to patients at an aortal and mitral stenosis, heart failure with increase in minute emission, the right ventricular insufficiency (caused by an exudative pericardis or an embolism of a pulmonary artery), a left ventricular failure with low filling pressure, disturbance of cerebral circulation, simultaneous use of FDE5 inhibitors (as symptomatic hypotension can develop), a liver failure, the patient of advanced age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible if, according to the doctor, the estimated effect of therapy for mother significantly exceeds potential threat for a fruit or the child.

Route of administration and dosage

Pill is taken in 1 times a day, in the morning or in the evening.

The doctor makes appointment and selection of a dose of drug individually on the basis of clinical indications.

The recommended daily dosing:

  • Arterial hypertension: the first 1-2 weeks – on 1 mg of 1 times a day. After reception of the first dose the patient needs to monitor the arterial pressure (AP) the first 6-8 hours not to allow its sharp decrease, especially against the background of the previous therapy by diuretics. Then with an interval of 1-2 weeks increase in a daily dose up to achievement therapeutic effective is made gradual multiple (to 2 mg, to 4 mg, to 8 mg). An average dose of drug – 2-4 mg a day, maximum – 16 mg;
  • Benign hyperplasia of a prostate: not to allow development of a syncopal state and/or postural hypotension an initial dose appoint of 1 mg. Increase in a dose should be made gradually with an interval of 1-2 weeks, considering existence of symptoms DGPZh and specific features of urodynamic. An average daily dose – 2-4 mg, maximum – 8 mg.

At a combination therapy with diuretic or other antihypertensives the dose of Cardura needs to be adjusted taking into account portability of drug and a condition of the patient.

In case of interruption of administration of drug within several days, it is necessary to resume treatment from an initial dose.

At a renal failure and carrying out correction of the mode of dosing is not required from patients of advanced age.

Side effects

Use of Cardura at arterial hypertension most often can cause the following side effects:

  • From a nervous system: drowsiness, postural dizziness (sharp decrease in the ABP against the background of reception of the first dose which consequence orthostatic dizziness, a syncope can turn out to be at bystry change of position of a body); very often – dizziness, a headache;
  • From a vestibular mechanism and an acoustic organ: вертиго;
  • From respiratory system: rhinitis;
  • From the alimentary system: nausea;
  • Others: weakness, adynamy, fatigue, hypostases of the lower extremities.

The undesirable reactions noted in the course of the market researches of effect of Cardura at treatment of patients with arterial hypertension which development can be not connected using drug: thorax pain, heart consciousness, tachycardia; infrequently – arrhythmia, stenocardia, a myocardial infarction; very seldom – disturbance of cerebral circulation, bradycardia.

Use of Cardura at a benign hyperplasia of a prostate can cause the same side effects which arise at treatment of patients with arterial hypertension.

Besides, post-market researches report about the following possible undesirable effects of effect of drug:

  • From cardiovascular system: infrequently – rushes of blood to face skin, postural hypotension, the expressed decrease in the ABP;
  • From system of a hemopoiesis: very seldom – thrombocytopenia, a leukopenia;
  • From urinary tract: infrequently – a polyuria, increase of an urination, an urine incontience; very seldom – a dysuria, a nocturia, a hamaturia;
  • From the alimentary system: often – a xerostomia, an abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea; infrequently – vomiting, a meteorism, a lock; very seldom – increase in activity of liver enzymes, hepatitis, a cholestasia, jaundice;
  • From an organ of sight: often – disturbance of color perceptions; infrequently – a syndrome of an atonichny iris;
  • From a nervous system: often – paresthesias; infrequently – a tremor, hypesthesias;
  • From a vestibular mechanism and an acoustic organ: infrequently – a sonitus;
  • From a metabolism: infrequently – anorexia;
  • From immune system: very seldom – anaphylactic reactions;
  • From a musculoskeletal system: infrequently – a dorsodynia, an arthralgia, muscular spasms, a mialgiya, muscular weakness;
  • From mentality: often – sleeplessness, concern, excitement; infrequently – a depression;
  • From integuments: infrequently – a skin itch, rash, an alopecia, a purpura; very seldom – a small tortoiseshell;
  • From reproductive system: very seldom – impotence, a priapism, a gynecomastia; very seldom – a retrograde ejaculation;
  • From respiratory system: often – rhinitis, short wind; infrequently – nasal bleeding, cough; very seldom – an aggravation of the available bronchospasm;
  • Laboratory indicators: infrequently – increase in body weight;
  • Others: infrequently – pains of different localization.

Special instructions

Use of alpha adrenoblockers, especially at the beginning of therapy, causes development of postural hypotension in the form of weakness, dizzinesses in an insignificant part of patients, sometimes a loss of consciousness (syncope). Therefore at purpose of drug the doctor has to make to the patient recommendations of respect for care, including prevention of sharp change of position of a body. It is necessary to warn about a possibility of development of orthostatic hypotension, especially in hot weather, at exercise stresses or long standing and in case of alcohol intake.

With extra care patients of advanced age as with age the risk of development of orthostatic hypotension and emergence of vision disorders, dizziness and a faint increases should use drug.

Purpose of drug is shown to sick DGPZh both at the normal ABP, and at arterial hypertension. Normal the ABP at patients with DGPZh from drug use significantly does not change. Treatment of DGPZh in combination with arterial hypertension can take place in a type of monotherapy.

At a prostate hyperplasia purpose of drug is made after an exception of its cancer regeneration.

Doksazozin does not exert impact on the level of concentration of prostatspetsifichesky antigen (DOG) in plasma.

When carrying out operation on a cataract at patients who accept or underwent therapy by alfa1-adrenoblockers, the intraoperative syndrome of an atonichny iris can be observed. Not to allow complications during operation of the patient has to inform till its beginning the surgeon on therapy by alfa1-adrenoblockers or their reception earlier.

With care appoint Cardura sick with abnormal liver functions, without allowing use of the maximum doses.

During use of drug it is recommended to be careful at all potentially dangerous types of activity which performance requires special attention and high speed of psychomotor reactions, including control of vehicles and mechanisms.

Medicinal interaction

Simultaneous use with FDE5 inhibitors can cause symptomatic hypotension.

It is not necessary to appoint drug along with other blockers of alpha adrenoceptors.

The combination of a doksazozin to warfarin, indometacin, digoxin or Phenytoinum does not influence their linkng with proteins in a blood plasma.

Lack of clinical interaction of drug at simultaneous use with furosemide, thiazide diuretics, beta adrenoblockers, peroral hypoglycemic means, antibiotics, anticoagulants, uricosuric means is noted.

Estrogen, sympathomimetic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially indometacin can reduce anti-hypertensive effect of drug.

At a combination to Epinephrinum arterial hypotension and tachycardia as Cardura eliminates it alpha адреностимулирующее action can develop; with sildenafily – the probability of orthostatic hypotension increases; with inhibitors of a microsomal oxidation in a liver decrease in efficiency of a doksazozin, and with inductors – increase is possible; with other hypotensive drugs – it is necessary to adjust their dose as expressiveness of their action amplifies.

Terms and storage conditions

To store in the dry, protected from light place at a temperature up to 30 °C. To protect from children.

Period of validity – 5 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Cardura of a tablet 1 of Mg of 30 pieces

496 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cardura тбл 1 mg No. 30, Pfizer

530 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Cardura of a tablet 2 of mg of 30 pieces

559 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cardura тбл 2 mg No. 30, Pfizer

609 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Cardura of a tablet 4 of mg of 30 pieces

630 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Cardura тбл 4 mg No. 30, Pfizer

690 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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