Main > Food stuffs> Kivano


Kivano is an exotic fruit from family Pumpkin which homeland Africa is considered. Today kivano already successfully grow up as garden culture in Israel, South America, Italy, New Zealand.

Фрукт кивано

Kivano is called still by the African cucumber, probably for translucent pulp, green with seeds, and a two-horned melon – for a yellow peel with soft thorns.

The plant kivano reminds a liana that can be used for decoration of a personal plot. Advantages of a plant are that it unpretentiously and practically is not subject to various diseases, yields a big harvest.

Than it is useful kivano

Pulp of fruit contains carbohydrates, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, and also phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper.

Kivano at his regular use promotes immunity improvement, it is useful to cores, those who has obesity. Caloric content kivano – only 44 calories therefore fruit can whenever possible be included in a diet diet for weight loss or a medical diet.

It is authorized to eat fruit to diabetics, it is still noticed that if to drink juice with pulp kivano during a chemotherapy course, then its side effects concerning a condition of hair will be less expressed.

In kivano a lot of water thanks to what it supports a water balance, and potassium which in fruits contains in a large number, well affects muscle work of heart.

In general the GIT, and, thanks to cellulose is kivano well transferred, stimulates a peristaltics, helps to bring toxins out of an organism.

It is possible to use pulp kivano and outwardly – for preparation of house masks for skin on a body and a face. As useful addition add to kivano honey, acid milk, an egg yolk and other nutritious ingredients.

Adherents of traditional medicine in Africa uses fruit pulp for a stop of bleedings as it has the knitting effect.

How eat kivano?

Fruit is eaten crude though it perfectly supplements any compotes, jelly and jam. Fans of juice for certain will estimate juice from pulp kivano, and it is perfectly combined with the juice which is wrung out from other fruit.

It is remarkable that thanks to not expressed taste, pulp can kivano be eaten sweet, acute or salty. Therefore with it cook fruit salads, desserts and snack.

By the way, white seeds of fruits kivano as well as cucumber, it is possible to eat. They, thanks to interesting outward, can be used as tasty decoration of sandwiches, jelly, second courses.

It is difficult to tell what taste at kivano. Those who tried it differently tell about it. For someone fruit fresh, for someone it is similar to a cucumber, banana, a lime, avocado. If to generalize, then taste at kivano slightly sweet, with sourness.

It is better to eat ripe fruits, without cutting them on segments – it is simple to divide kivano into two parts, and a spoon to take out contents, similar to jelly.

Плоды кивано

If the fruit with more dense pulp got, it is possible to make such snack: to mix soft cheese with seafood and to add kivano – just as ornament. It is possible to manage and without seafood – to cut cheese on portion pieces, from above to lay out pulp kivano with seeds, to powder with spices.

Of course, it is interesting to learn how eat kivano on its Rhodinum. Taste salad from this fruit, tomatoes, sweet pepper, a garden radish, greens of onions and parsley. All these components are cut equally by cubes, mix up with chopped greens. As gas station it is possible to use a lemon dried peel, lemon juice.

Pulp of an exotic fruit can be used also for preparation of creams for cakes, and unripe fruit successfully pickle – in the same way as cucumbers. To taste it turns out probably, but after all it is unusual.

Harm kivano

It is not recorded data on any serious effects which arose after the use kivano. As well as in a case with any other fruit, the first time should be tried kivano carefully – in order to avoid unexpected allergic reaction. Especially such care should be shown that who already has food allergy.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.