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Planimetric face lifting

Процедура контурной пластики лицаOver time skin loses the elasticity and elasticity that leads to emergence of wrinkles. Some wrinkles can be prevented and eliminated with laser devices, by means of a botulinoterapiya or planimetric plastics. Planimetric face lifting – a method of elimination of deep and small wrinkles by means of injections gels of various structure.

Numerous reviews of planimetric face lifting testify to a demand and popularity of this procedure. For modeling of cheekbones, for elimination of a nasolabial fold, for correction of a shape of a nose, change of a face form, a shape of a chin, filling of static wrinkles, and also for a raising of eyebrows, corrections of atrophic hems, corrections of a shape of lips most often resort to planimetric plastics. Efficiency of planimetric plastics in many respects depends on features of an organism and facial expression of the patient.

Planimetric face lifting by fillers

Fillers at planimetric face lifting are entered by means of a cannula or a thin needle into those areas of skin where collagen is destroyed or lost. Fillers (fillers) happen temporary, is long acting and constants (permanent).

Temporary fillers are considered as the safest. Many of them make on the basis of bull and pork collagen (Ziplast, Ziderm, Kollost and others). It is long the operating fillers are presented by the combined drugs on the basis of components of an industrial and natural origin.

These fillers contain the microparticles prolonging effect of planimetric plastics and stimulating growth of new collagen. Dermalayf, Arteplast, Matrigel, Evolyushn, Profil treat them. The effect of administration of these drugs keeps more than two years.

In planimetric face lifting resort to permanent fillers extremely seldom. Permanent fillers (synthetic gels) use at reduction or increase in volume of fatty tissue in hypodermic cellulose. Kosmogel, Silicone-1000, Amazingel, Akvamid and others treat constant fillers.

Description of the procedure of planimetric face lifting by fillers

In many reviews of planimetric face lifting it is said that this procedure usually lasts from thirty to forty minutes. It will be out using special anesthetics of ointments or under local anesthesia. Feelings of the patient in many respects are defined by area of administration of fillers at planimetric plastics. In day of the procedure the patient should smile as little as possible that drug was evenly distributed under skin.

Planimetric face lifting by hyaluronic acid

До и после контурной пластики лицаPlanimetric face lifting by hyaluronic acid – the most popular and safe procedure. This component of not animal origin is identical on structure to hyaluronic acid, contained in skin and other fabrics and human organs. Hydrophily – the main feature of this acid. Hyaluronic acid is capable to attract a set of molecules of water.

Planimetric face lifting by hyaluronic acid promotes increase in turgor, elasticity and viscous and elastic properties of skin. And if the volume created at planimetric plastics by hyaluronic acid does not suit the patient, then under skin enter the enzyme splitting this substance.

On the basis of hyaluronic acid Restilayn, Belotero, Sudzhiderm, Teosial, Yuviderm and others carry to drugs. The planimetric plastics allows to eliminate with hyaluronic acid signs of photoageing of skin, to raise corners of eyes and a mouth, to correct cheekbones and contours of a chin, the line of a mandible. Drugs on the basis of acid have practically no side effects.

Contraindications and possible complications after planimetric face lifting

The planimetric plastics cannot be applied at an allergy to anesthetic or components of a filler, at autoimmune diseases (a scleroderma, Hashimoto's disease, rheumatic diseases of joints), at bactericidal, viral, fungus diseases of skin.

It is not necessary to apply planimetric face lifting at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation, at immune and infectious diseases, at a diabetes mellitus of the first and second type, at tendency to hypertrophic and to keloid cicatrixes, and also after the procedures of a chemical peeling, mechanical or laser grinding which are carried out recently, at use of the drugs suppressing immunity.

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