Xanthane gum

Xanthane gum (E415 nutritional supplement) – the natural polysaccharide received as a result of glucose fermentation by microorganisms of the sort Xanthomonas campestris. This culture of bacteria is usually grown up in large-size tanks. Cultivation happens at strict control over hashing, aeration, ambient temperature and its chemical composition. Gum envelops a bacterium and promotes its sticking to the bacterial environment. The layer of this substance protects a cell from drying and viruses.Ксантановая камедь - природный полисахарид

Properties of xanthane gum

Xanthane gum is steady against influence of the active natural enzymes which are contained in spicy herbs and spices and also against salts, acids and the bases. Additive has high viscosity at a low speed of shift and concentration.

The most important and valuable property of nutritional supplement safety for a human body and high tensile strength is considered. Xanthane gum – very strong thickener. It stabilizes solutions and emulsions. This product prevents stratification of suspensions and interferes with loss of a deposit. E415 nutritional supplement reduces moisture loss of foodstuff at heat treatment and increases terms of their storage.

Use of xanthane gum

Xanthane gum is applied to stabilization of solutions, increase in elasticity and viscosity. It is added at production of creams, jams, jelly and various sauces, dairy products (desserts, yogurts, cheeses), bakery products. In the meat-processing industry gum is used for deduction of moisture in ready foodstuff at production of sausages, forcemeats, canned meat. By production of multi-color ice cream it is used in order that different colors of a product did not mix up.

Ксантановая камедь - пищевая добавка Е415The moistening and moisture-holding properties of this substance are used in the cosmetic industry by production of gels, creams, lotions, masks, skins, and also toothpastes and conditioners for an oral cavity. Additive improves texture of cosmetics, does it to more homogeneous and increases foaming. Xanthane gum smoothes skin and creates a protective film on its surface. It returns it elasticity and promotes preservation of water-in-oil balance of skin. Apply it and in paint and varnish industry, and also by production of forages to animals. In pharmaceutical industry gum is used by production of anticoagulants, blood substitutes, and also at preparation of capsules, suspensions and microcapsules.

Nutritional supplement is gradually added to aqueous solution or in foodstuff, carefully mixing. Additive perfectly mixes up with various substances, forming at the same time steady suspensions and elastic gels.

Harm of xanthane gum

There are no official data on harm of xanthane gum today. It is authorized to use this natural nutritional supplement by production of the foodstuff intended for baby food. This connection is not digested in a digestive tract and is not acquired by an organism. At the excessive use of the foodstuff having in the structure xanthane gum signs of gastrointestinal frustration (abdominal distention, a meteorism) can appear.

Whether you know that:

Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.