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Sesame oil

Sesame oil is received from sunflower seeds of sesame or as still call this plant – a sesame. Originally it Кунжутное масло получают из семечек кунжутаwas made and used in the Southern India, and to Japan got only at the beginning of last century. Sesame oil came to Europe along with emergence of fashion for dishes of Japanese cuisine, all traditional Japanese salads fill with this tasty and fragrant oil. It happens light (receive from fresh sesame) and dark (from fried).

Composition of sesame oil

According to reviews sesame oil has many useful properties which are explained by its rich chemical composition. Contain in it:

  • A, C, E, D vitamins and groups B;
  • Fatty acids, including the polyunsaturated fatty acids having huge value for health of the person;
  • Biologically active agents (antioxidants, phytosterols, phospholipids, etc.);
  • Minerals (iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, nickel, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, etc.).

Thanks to the really unique properties sesame oil finds huge application not only in cookery, but also in cosmetology, medicine.

Use of sesame oil

In many kitchens of the world sesame oil is considered one of the most important and irreplaceable ingredients. It has very pleasant taste and a smell at which there are nut notes. Useful properties of sesame oil remain during a long span. It is connected with unique technology of its receiving (a cold extraction).

Use of sesame oil in cookery is usually connected with its addition in various salads and for gas station of dishes. It is suitable for frying a little since easily burns through. Is one of the main components of seasoning of acute Japanese and Chinese snack. The banal carrot, green peas, sweet corn and red cabbage salad seasoned with sesame oil develops absolutely unusual festive taste and delicate aroma.

Sesame oil found broad application also on Korean cuisine. The dish of "Chap-chey" is very interesting. For its preparation it is necessary to boil "glass" vermicelli within three minutes and to wash out it. For preparation of sauce mix sesame oil, soy sauce, pepper, sesame sunflower seeds, garlic and granulated sugar. Vermicelli is filled in with sauce and carefully mixed. Give cold on a table.

Sesame oil perfectly is suitable for salads and snack from seafood, adds them a note of refinement and savors.

Properties of sesame oil

In the east this oil is considered medicine for one thousand diseases. And modern doctors, confirm it. For example, it was proved that sesame oil significantly increases efficiency of therapy of such dangerous disease as a melanoma. In addition it is excellent prophylactic of development of oncological diseases. For this purpose it should be eaten daily in number of 10,0 – 15,0 ml.

Nutritionists advise to include sesame oil in a diet of the strict vegetarians who are not using dairy products and therefore having deficiency of calcium.

According to reviews sesame oil, thanks to the vitamin and mineral composition improves processes of digestion and a metabolism. Therefore it, is useful at some diseases of digestive tract and thyroid gland.

Кунжутное масло в упаковкеThe phytosterol which is contained in sesame oil is a natural natural analog of female sex hormone – estrogen. Thanks to it it makes positive impact on the women who are in the premenopauza period. According to reviews sesame oil has a promoting effect on ovaries. In this regard gynecologists appoint it to the women suffering from the secondary amenorrhea caused by sharp weight loss. In this case it is recommended to drink sesame oil for half an hour till a breakfast on one tablespoon.

It is not necessary to stir it with hot dishes or to heat it since at heat treatment practically all antioxidant properties of sesame oil vanish.

According to reviews the sesame oil used for massage allows to eliminate quickly the muscle pains arising after considerable exercise stresses. India uses it as the moistening means and apply on skin after a shower. And for smoothing of wrinkles sesame oil is infused on rose-petals and twice a day applied on clean face skin.

Unique properties of sesame oil are used also for strengthening of dry hair. For this purpose oil is rubbed in head skin and applied on hair on all their length, and in half an hour the mask is washed away the warm water acidified by lemon juice.

Harm of sesame oil

Using this oil, it is necessary to remember that it does not transfer thermal treatment at all. At its heating to temperature over 27 degrees With there is a decomposition of active agents and from such sesame oil of harm will be much more, than advantage. At long storage on light there is also a disintegration of fatty acids, and useful properties of sesame oil are lost.

It can become an origin of allergic reactions. Symptoms of an allergy usually are emergence of cold, slight cough, irritation in a throat. In this case sesame oil should be excluded from a diet completely.

It is possible to speak about harm of sesame oil and when it is applied on dirty skin since it leads to obstruction of output channels of sebaceous glands that in turn becomes the reason of emergence of acne rash.

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