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Principles of treatment of atherosclerosis

General information

At the confirmed diagnosis atherosclerosis, treatment means carrying out a set of difficult, long and labor-consuming procedures. There are no trifles in this case and cannot be therefore the patient has to be prepared morally and physically for observance of all recommendations of the attending physician. Now atherosclerosis of vessels recovers by means of a diet, physical exercises and medicines. We will review nuances of each technique briefly.


Атеросклероз сосудов

As atherosclerosis of extremities and a brain is often connected with deposits of fats on walls of vessels, the patient needs to eat properly. The main thing governed here – to minimize consumption of high-calorific products. First of all, the patient has to refuse animal fats, meat (except for chicken), some dairy products (milk, fat cottage cheese, cheese, cream) and egg yolks. All these products – the main sources of cholesterol. Besides, they violate qualitative characteristics of blood, carbohydrate metabolism and lead to a thrombogenesis. Also it is necessary to limit amount of the consumed vegetable oils as they reduce concentration of lipoproteids of high density because of what atherosclerosis of the lower extremities often develops. The list of the recommended products looks as follows:

  • the products made of coarse flour – connect the cholesterol which is contained in food, bring nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals and carcinogens out of an organism;
  • seafood – squids dishes, mussels, a laminaria. They contain organic iodine which prevents obliterating atherosclerosis, and the B6 vitamin which is actively participating in process of a lipometabolism;
  • baked potatoes, fennel, green onions, parsley, prunes, bananas, blackcurrant and other products rich with calcium salts;
  • oat or corn flakes, yogurts, soy food;
  • fresh vegetables and fruit, except for grapes and juice on its basis.

Let's notice also that modern treatment of atherosclerosis of vessels means distribution of a standard diet to several meals. The ideal option – to eat 5-6 times a day, and the last reception has to be no later than 19 hours. As for ice cream, sweets and alcoholic beverages. As atherosclerosis which symptoms are even more often observed at young people is connected with reduction of a gleam of vessels, to patients is strictly forbidden to use chocolate, rich cakes, strong alcohol, cocktails and creamy ice cream.

The rigid diet is appointed for a period of up to 3-4 months. During this time for the patient constant observation is conducted. If atherosclerosis of an aorta continues to develop, then the diet becomes tougher. Along with it to the patient drug treatment of atherosclerosis of vessels is appointed.

Medical supplies, effective at treatment of atherosclerosis

At once there is a wish to tell that it is necessary to use the registered means very long, and in many cases – all life. For this reason it is necessary to exercise judgment in the choice of drugs to reduce chance of emergence of side effects to a minimum. Now treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities and a brain is made with the help:

  • statines – active group of gipokholesterinemichesky means which block formation of cholesterol in a liver of the person. The most noticeable representatives of this group – ловастатин, симвастатин, правастатин and флувастатин. All of them reduce amount of cholesterol and interfere with formation of aterosklerozny plaques;
  • fibrat – derivatives of fiber acid which increase quantity of lipoproteids of high density and reduce the general cholesterol. In recent years doctors constantly argue concerning whether it is admissible to treat fibratam cerebral atherosclerosis and other forms of a disease. One categorically against their use because of side effects, others consider that without fibrat in general you should not begin treatment. The truth, as usual it happens, somewhere in the middle. At uncontrollable reception of a fibrata can be really dangerous therefore all schemes of treatment need to be agreed with the specialist cardiologist. Treat drugs of this group: Clofibratum, фенофибрат, безафибрат also gemfibrozit.
  • niacin – also as well as fibrata increases the maintenance of lipoproteids, at the same time reducing concentration of triglycerides. Use of niacin is justified when atherosclerosis of vessels is connected with the increased content of cholesterol of high density. Drug expands vessels, but at the same time causes erubescence therefore it is necessary to take it with caution and to be followed up regularly by a doctor. One of new dosage forms of niacin is эндурацин, saved from the majority of side effects of an initial product.

Among gipokholesterinemichesky means it is also necessary to note колестипол, Neomycinum, probucol, guary, lipostabit, benzoflavine and an eikonal. They differently influence an organism, but as a result solve one and those zhezadach: to reduce cholesterol level, to normalize a metabolism, to block formation of aterosklerozny plaques.

Препарат применяемый при лечении атеросклероза

General principles of treatment of atherosclerosis

Along with a diet and medicamentous means, treatment of atherosclerosis of the lower extremities and a brain means also correction of risk factors. Secondary prevention of complications includes: decrease in excess weight, refusal of smoking and alcoholic beverages, regular trainings by sport. All similar actions will bring visible effect far not at once, but it will surely be shown several months later. However, in this case it is senseless to speak about treatment terms, we already noticed above that some patients try to get rid of atherosclerosis throughout all adult life.

Whether you know that:

The educated person is less subject to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes formation of the additional fabric compensating sick.