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The buttercup is caustic

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Лютик едкий - растение семейства ЛютиковыхButtercup caustic – a plant which concerns to family of the Crowfoot family. There is a set of national names of a buttercup caustic among which – an oil flower, a podagrovy grass and a burning grass. In drugstores is on sale under the name "Grass of a Buttercup Caustic".

Rhizome at a plant – short and reinforced, and from it upright stalks which can reach in height from 30 to 100 cm develop. Such plants are branching, slaboopushchenny and hollow. Bright golden-yellow flowers are located on the ends of branches. Leaves at a buttercup can look differently.

At stem leaves a structure simpler, they are sedentary and have linear shares. A grass blooming period – May-June.

Radical leaves "sit" on long scapes and 5-7-palchatorazdelnymi are. The buttercup on meadows is especially widespread. By the way, its bright flowers do not please peasants at all, the plant is poisonous that is especially bad for the grazed cattle.

Substances lose the caustic force only in the dried-up look for this reason hay with the maintenance of a buttercup caustic for the cattle is safe.


Only elevated part of a plant which is efficient only in a fresh-gathered look is used. It should be noted that in traditional medicine different types of buttercups which have similar outward do not differ.

The major active ingredient which is in a buttercup caustic is protoanemonin which causes irritant action on mucous membranes and on skin. From other useful substances of this plant it is possible to note vitamin C, tannins, asponina, arginine and asparagine. These substances meet not only in a caustic buttercup, but also in all species of this plant.

The buttercup caustic is not used in official medicine!

The buttercup found application in homeopathy. So, for example, bulbous means which is prepared from a buttercup gives good effect at irritation of an oral cavity, nose and an eye, and also at pains in a breast (it can be pains of any sort – from prickings before breath difficulty). The buttercup is used for elimination of pain in muscles. He well copes with skin rashes, even with pustules.

All types of yellow buttercups gained wide recognition in traditional medicine. The most known is burning action of this grass. Even if just to pick a flower, bubbles on hands can act. Unfortunately, the nonconventional medicine nevertheless finds application for fresh leaves of a buttercup caustic, but specialists categorically do not recommend to try at least one way of national treatment.Лютик едкий

Traditional medicine applies a buttercup caustic to treatment neuralgic and headaches, wounds, a furunculosis, gout, rheumatism, burns. Though the main substance which contains in a buttercup caustic (protoanemonin) and is toxic, it is capable to stimulate activity of a nervous system in small doses and to increase quantity of erythrocytes.

So, for example, thinly cut buttercups, infused on milk, at strong locks can be good laxative.

Still the French court doctor at Ferdinand І defined external and internal use of flowers at warts.

Harm from use

As it was already told above, the fresh grass of a buttercup caustic is poisonous. Caustic substances which are a part of a plant at external use can irritate mucous membranes and skin. Getting inside, the grass leads intestines and a stomach to irritation, causes gripes and a diarrhea. Somehow to cope with negative effects of poisoning, it is necessary to cause at first vomiting, and then it is obligatory to accept absorbent carbon. All further care of the got poisoned person should be assigned to the doctor. By the way, external skin defeats can take place without traces.

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