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from 1640 rub.

 Лиофилизат для приготовления раствора для инъекций ЛонгидазаLongidaza – drug with the proteolytic prolonged activity, renders immunomodulatory, antioxidant, chelating, antiinflammatory action.

Form of release and structure

Dosage forms:

  • Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for intramuscular (in oil) and hypodermic (п / to) introductions: porous hydroscopic weight white with a yellow shade or white color (on 5 ampoules or bottles in a blister strip packaging, in a cardboard pack 1 packaging);
  • Suppositories for rectal or vaginal administration: a torpedo-shaped form, light yellow color, the mramornost, with light specific aroma of cocoa butter is possible (on 5 pieces in a blister strip packaging, in a cardboard pack 2 packagings).

Active ingredient of Longidaza – Longidaza with gialuronidazny activity:

  • 1 ampoule: 1500 international units (IU), 3000 ME;
  • 1 bottle: 1500 ME, 3000 ME;
  • 1 suppository: 3000 ME.

Auxiliary components:

  • Lyophilisate: Mannitolum;
  • Suppositories: cocoa butter.

Indications to use

Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for in oil and п / to introduction
As a part of complex therapy of the pathologies which are followed by a hyperplasia of connecting fabric:

  • Surgery, orthopedics, cosmetology: wounds not healing for a long time, contractures of joints, arthritises, hematomas, an adhesive desease, hypertrophic, keloid cicatrixes after injuries, pyodermas, burns, operations;
  • Urology, gynecology, pulmonology (at an intersticial form of development of inflammatory processes): chronic cystitis, pipe and peritoneal infertility, commissural processes in a small basin, tuberculosis, a pneumofibrosis, an alveolitis;
  • Dermatovenereology: limited scleroderma of different localization.

Lyophilisate is appointed for increase in bioavailability diagnostic and medicines.

Suppositories for rectal or vaginal administration
Use of Longidaza is shown as a part of complex treatment and monotherapy of the diseases complicated by a hyperplasia of connecting fabric including at inflammatory processes:

  • Gynecology: a chronic endomyometritis, intrauterine synechias, pipe and peritoneal infertility, prevention and treatment of commissures in a small basin at a chronic form of inflammatory pathologies of internal generative organs, treatment and prevention of commissures in a small basin after artificial abortions, earlier undergone operations on bodies of a small pelvis and other gynecologic manipulations;
  • Urology: chronic prostatitis, strictures of ureters and urethra, Peyroni's disease, initial stage of a benign hyperplasia of a prostate, intersticial cystitis; after surgery on a bladder, an urethra, ureters for the purpose of prevention of hems and strictures;
  • Dermatovenereology: a limited scleroderma, prevention of fibrous complications of the infectious diseases which are transmitted at sexual contact;
  • Phthisiology and pulmonology: intersticial pneumonia, pneumofibrosis, tuberculosis (infiltrative, tuberculoma, cavernous and fibrous), fibroziruyushchy alveolitis, siderosis, pleurisy;
  • Surgery: not healing wounds, prevention and treatment of commissural process after abdominal organs operations.

Besides, suppositories of Longidaza are appointed in gynecology, urology, a dermatovenereology, pulmonology and surgery for increase in bioavailability of antibacterial therapy.


  • Malignant new growths;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Age up to 12 years;
  • Individual intolerance of components of drug.

With care patients are recommended to appoint drug with an acute renal failure, pulmonary bleedings.

Safety of use of Longidaza during breastfeeding is not established.

Route of administration and dosage

Lyophilisate for preparation of solution for in oil and п / to introduction
Lyophilisate is intended for preparation of solution for in oil, п / to or intradermal (boiled and smoked) introduction. Just before an injection it is necessary to add to contents of an ampoule or a bottle 1,5-2 ml of 0,5% or 0,25% of solution of Procainum, 0,9% of solution of sodium of chloride or water for injections.

Ready solution for parenteral administration is not subject to storage.

The route of administration and the mode of dosing the doctor are set individually on the basis of clinical indications, by weights of a course of a disease and age of the patient.

П / to Longidaza enter under the cicatricial changed fabrics or near the place of defeat.

The recommended dosing: on 3000 ME 1 times a day every 3-10 days; considering disease severity, appoint from 5 to 15 injections.

In need of a repeated course of treatment it should be seen off in 2-3 months.

After a standard course of therapy of the diseases complicated by a severe chronic form of productive process in connecting fabric, to the patient appoint a maintenance dose 3000 ME in days with an interval between injections of 10-14 days.

The recommended schemes of use of Longidaza:

  • Respiratory organs: in oil – on 3000 ME 1 times in 3-5 days, a course of treatment of 10 injections; then treatment within 3-12 months in the same dose with an interval between injections of 10-14 days is possible;
  • Bodies of a small pelvis: in oil – on 3000 ME 1 times in 3-5 days, a course – 5-15 injections;
  • Limited scleroderma of various localization and form: in oil – on 3000-4500 ME in days every 3 day, a course – 5-15 injections; duration of a course and a dose is selected for each patient individually taking into account localization of a disease, its clinical current and a stage, and also portability of drug;
  • Keloid, hypertrophic cicatrixes after burns, pyodermas, operations: in oil – on 3000 ME (in 1-2 ml of solution) in days with an interval between injections of 3-5 days, a course – no more than 10 injections and/or п / to (or boiled and smoked) – 1-2 times a week, a course of 5-10 injections;
  • Long not healing wounds: in oil – on 1500-3000 ME in days every 5 days, a course of treatment – 5-7 injections;
  • Contractures of joints, arthritis, hematomas: in oil – on 3000 ME in days every 3-7 days, the general course – 7-15 injections;
  • Adhesive desease: in oil – on 3000 ME in days in 3-5 days, a course of treatment of 7-15 injections;
  • Increase in bioavailability diagnostic and medicines (antibiotics, anesthetics, himiopreparata): on 1500 ME 1 times in 3 days, a course – no more than 10 injections.

Suppositories for rectal or vaginal administration
Suppositories are intended for rectal or intravaginalny administration of 1 times a day before going to bed. Suppositories enter Intravaginalno into a vagina in a prone position. At rectal appointment suppositories should be applied after preliminary purgation.

The general course of treatment – 10-20 suppositories.

Appointment and frequency of introduction depend on weight, a stage and duration of a disease.

The recommended scheme of therapy:

  • Urology: on 1 suppository of 1 times in 2 days – 10 introductions, then with a maintaining interval in 2-3 days – 10 introductions, the general course of treatment – 20 introductions;
  • Gynecology (rektalno or intravaginalno): on 1 suppository of 1 times in 2 days – 10 introductions (if necessary purpose of a maintenance therapy is possible);
  • Dermatovenereology: on 1 suppository in 1-2 days, a course – 10-15 introductions;
  • Surgery: on 1 suppository of 1 times in 2-3 days, a course – 10 introductions;
  • Pulmonology and phthisiology: on 1 suppository of 1 times in 2-4 days, a course – 10-20 images;
  • Maintenance therapy: on 1 suppository of 1 times in 5-7 days, duration – 3-4 months.

Carrying out a repeated course is possible in 3 months and later.

Patients with a renal failure have a frequency rate of purpose of lyophilisate or suppositories should not exceed 1 time in 7 days.

Side effects

Longidaza use in rare instances can cause development of allergic reactions.

The feeling of pain in the place of an injection, sometimes – a swelling in an injection site, a dermahemia can become undesirable effect at administration of solution. These side reactions have passing character and take place in 2-3 days.

Special instructions

At development of allergic reaction use of Longidaza should be cancelled immediately.

Administration of solution in a zone of a tumor, an acute inflammation or infectious defeat is contraindicated.

In case of an aggravation of infectious processes it is necessary to appoint use of drug along with antimicrobic means.

Medicinal interaction

Use of Longidaza is shown in a combination with antibiotics, bronchial spasmolytics, glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, antifungal, antiviral, antihistaminic drugs.

Salicylates, adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisone, high doses of estrogen and antihistamines can reduce effect of enzyme of hyaluronidase.

Drug increases bioavailability of medicines and accelerates effect of local anesthetics (at simultaneous use).

At purpose of drug in combination with other medicines for increase in their bioavailability it is necessary to consider extent of increase in their absorption and systemic action.

Terms and storage conditions

To protect from children.

To store at a temperature of 2-15 °C in the protected from light, dry place.

Period of validity – 2 years.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Longidaza piece suppositories 3000ME 10

1640 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Longidaza piece lyophilisate 3000ME 5

1745 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Longidaza soup 3000ME No. 10, Petrovax Pharm of NMTs of Ltd company

1932 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Longidaza лиоф a time for инъ фл 3000ME No. 5, Petrovax Pharm of NMTs of Ltd company

2158 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
Whether you know that:

If your liver ceased to work, death would come within a day.