Main > Diseases> Lordosis


Short characteristic of a disease

Поясничный лордоз

The backbone of each person has natural bends which help to support vertical position of a body at loadings and walking. At development of some pathologies these bends become too strong. Deformations can have the direction or aside – scoliosis, or back and forth – a lordosis and a kyphosis. In this article we will talk about a lordosis, that is about a curvature of cervical or lumbar department of a backbone to a bend forward.

Primary cervical and lumbar lordosis arises owing to various malformations, tumors and inflammatory processes. The secondary lordosis is one of complications at hip dislocations, an anchylosis and other diseases.

Lordosis symptoms

At deformation of a backbone with a bend forward the figure of the person takes characteristic outward: knee joints are unbent, sticks out a stomach, when walking the basin and the case deviate kzad. Besides, both the lumbar, and cervical lordosis is led to pains in the struck department of a backbone which are connected with the wrong redistribution of loading and a muscle strain. At patients lowering of abdominal organs and disturbance of their normal functioning is quite often observed.

Treatment of a lordosis

Primary lordosis of a backbone is eliminated only by means of an operative measure and the subsequent rehabilitation procedures – remedial gymnastics, physical therapy, massage. In turn, the curvature, turned out to be a consequence other diseases, is adjusted when carrying a bandage, performing gymnastic exercises and special medical massage. Especially important it for pregnant women at whom the lordosis of lumbar department considerably amplifies during incubation of a fruit. It can lead to unpleasant feelings in spin and to the general deterioration in health. Can help at such problem only correctly picked up prenatal bandage and gymnastics. The main function of a bandage and special reklinator – the prevention of deformation, reliable fixing of problem sites of a backbone.

Let's dwell upon physiotherapy exercises. And cervical speak rapidly a lordosis, and the curvature of lumbar department is led to restriction of activity and pains. The physiotherapy exercises prevent emergence of negative factors, promote creation of a peculiar corset on the damaged sites. Only condition: exercises need to be carried out regularly as only in this case it is possible to speak about any positive dynamics.

Let's notice that the gymnastics at a lordosis is done not only in hospitals and clinics, but also in house conditions. Here, for example, one of the simplest, but, at the same time, effective exercises. You lay down on a floor and put legs on a chair so that between hips and knee joints the right angle was formed. After that try to push the left hand in space between a waist and a floor. There it will be obligatory a hollow and our task is just in eliminating it. The closer the lumbar department approaches a floor, the better. For elimination of a hollow it is also possible to pull in a stomach and to set forward a basin. Exercise repeats 5-7 times. House treatment of a lordosis means also performance of other exercises, for example:

  • lay down on a back and part hands in the parties then raise legs up, as if showering them for the head;
  • do inclinations, getting shin hands;
  • be driven into the corner and try to touch it by a waist.

Лечение поясничного лордоза

In general, we gave only the simplest elements of remedial gymnastics. Actually, it is much more difficult, but it is better to discuss this question with the attending physician as only he makes the decision on intensity of occupations and character of trainings.

Well and some more rules:

  • the gymnastics has to become not on coercion, and at will;
  • the feeling of fatigue after exercises is admissible, but it has to be pleasant. You should not exhaust yourself to full exhaustion at all;
  • you learn to breathe correctly through a nose. During the trainings many people hold the breath. You should not do it as so you force down a rhythm and you impose additional load of a respiratory organs.

Secondary lordosis of a backbone it is reasonable to treat after elimination of the reasons which led to disturbance of a bearing. If the doctor appointed to you gymnastics and other procedures without comprehensive examination of an organism, then be ready that deformations will declare themselves through a short period again.

If doctors make the correct diagnosis in time, and you responsibly will approach treatment of a lumbar lordosis, then the disease will introduce the minimum amendments in a usual way of life. Otherwise, you are expected by serious complications and problems at which you will not be able to work, enjoy life, to be a full-fledged member of society.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.