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from 400 rub.

Магнезиум в капсулахMagnezium represents dietary supplement which contains magnesium in the ratio, most useful to a human body. Drug is an additional source of magnesium which is necessary for protein synthesis. Magnezium is especially necessary at exercise and intellectual stresses, stresses and reduced immunity.

Structure and form of release of Magnezium

The magnesium ascorbate (300 mg) and magnesium citrate (200 mg) is Magnezium's part.

Auxiliary components: starch, cellulose powder, calcium stearate.

Drug is produced in capsules on 600 mg.

Pharmacological properties of Magnezium

Magnezium possesses sedative, hypotensive and anticonvulsant action. Drug effectively removes spasmodic states, and also is accepted during rehabilitation by the patients who transferred cardiovascular and a GIT of a disease, an injury and nervous breakdowns.

For a human body drug acts as the magnesium source participating in ATP synthesis, a metabolism (phosphorus, potassium, sodium), synthesis of fats. Magnezium strengthens immunity and increases protective functions of an organism.

Magnesium as a part of dietary supplement promotes power supply of cells, maintains humoral immunity, improves blood circulation and promotes decrease in pasting of thrombocytes. And also assists development and regulation of normal content of insulin in blood that interferes with development of a diabetes mellitus.

Drug regulates neuromuscular conductivity, interferes with formation of stones in urinogenital bodies, reduces amount of LPNP cholesterol and increases LPVP cholesterol level.

Magnezium it is necessary to accept for strengthening of bone structure, hair, teeth and nails.

Indications to use

Биологически активная добавка МагнезиумBefore Magnezium's reception it is necessary to consult with the attending physician and only according to his appointment to accept drug.

Drug is appointed at:

  • cardiovascular diseases: atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension, stenocardia, acute heart failure;
  • premenstrual syndrome and periods of painful character;
  • diseases of the alimentary system – gastritis, dysbacteriosis, a duodenitis;
  • skin diseases and allergic reactions.

In complex therapy Magnezium is appointed for prevention and treatment of an urolithiasis. Dietary supplement is accepted for clarification of a liver at alcoholic poisonings, lead or toxic agents.

Also according to the instruction Magnezium is effective as a part of dietary programs for weight reduction and normalization of a metabolism.

Application instruction of Magnezium

According to the instruction Magnezium it is necessary to accept during food 1-2 capsules a day. The daily dose of drug has to be appointed by the doctor.

Duration of reception of Magnezium is defined according to shortage in a magnesium organism, and the course of treatment makes about 1-2 months.

At disturbance of a cordial rhythm and atherosclerosis, epileptic and convulsive states the daily dose of Magnezium can make 1-2 capsules 3 times a day.

For prevention of content of magnesium and at advanced age it is enough to accept drug every other day on 1 capsule.


The main contraindications to Magnezium's reception are the intolerance of components of drug and the increased contents in a magnesium organism.

With care drug is appointed during pregnancy and a lactation, and also at children's age.

Side effects of Magnezium

At the wrong reception of Magnezium can occur poisoning with drug components.

Excess of magnesium leads to a renal failure, disturbances of work of nervous and cardiovascular systems, increase in arterial pressure, and in high doses to comas.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Biolektra Magnezium of 300 mg of n20 of a sachet Lemon

400 rub.

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