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Back muscles

Muscles of a back are rather numerous and are located in two layers – deep and superficial.

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To superficial muscles of a back the muscles attached to a belt of an upper extremity and shoulder and also belong to edges:

  • trapezoid muscle;
  • the broadest muscle of a back;
  • the muscle raising a shovel;
  • big and small rhomboid muscles;
  • Gear muscles.

Deep muscles of a back lie in three layers: deep, average and superficial. The deep layer is formed by suboccipital, intercross and interspinal muscles. The center is presented by a cross and awned muscle. The periblast is presented by repair muscles of a neck and the head, and also the muscle straightening a backbone. Muscles of this layer belong to type of strong muscles and perform static work (support the correct vertical position of a backbone).

Why back muscles hurt?

Practically each adult at least once asked for medical care with complaints that back muscles hurt. Can be the reasons of these pains:

  • Considerable muscular exercise. It can be connected not only with performance of hard physical activity, sports activities. Not smaller load of muscles of a back is rendered also by long finding of the person in forced situation. Therefore drivers or, for example, programmers are quite often hurt by back muscles. For prevention of static pains it is necessary to do during the working day several small breaks during which carry out the physical exercises directed to strengthening of muscles of a back;
  • Injuries of muscles of a back (bruise, stretching) – most often arise at a training of muscles of a back when on the unprepared and not warmed muscles too big loading is given at once;
  • Miositis (inflammation of muscles) – one of the most frequent reasons of dorsodynias. This disease usually has a long current. Nature of pains aching. At a palpation (palpation) of the affected muscles their consolidation and morbidity comes to light. At the people having diseases of a metabolism and some persistent infections, the miositis can be combined also with morbidity of joints;
  • Lumbago – emergence acute, a thermalgia in lumbosacral area. Most often the overstrain of muscles of a back is the reason of development. The attack of pains usually arises at the time of a raising of weight or sharp change of position of a body, for example in attempt to reach something. The lumbago can arise also at a training of muscles of a back when the exercise stress too high or the main stage of a training begins without the corresponding warm-up of muscles of a back;
  • Radiculitis – arises against the background of the acquired or inborn changes both the backbone, and its copular device (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias). The dorsodynia is usually unilateral, can be stupid or acute, amplifies at change of position of a body, sneezing, cough. Quite often it иррадиируетв other body parts, and also can be combined with paresthesias (disturbances of sensitivity of skin). For prevention of attacks of radiculitis it is very important to pay much attention to strengthening of muscles of a back, formation of so-called muscular "corset" which supports a backbone in the correct physiological situation, removes from it an excess static load. However in the acute period of a disease the training of muscles of a back is contraindicated, and it is possible to start it only after full stopping of a pain syndrome. Occupations physiotherapy exercises, swimming are useful.

Is well-known the fact that quite often muscles of a back hurt also people often subject to a stress or a nerve strain. The stress leads to a muscular spasm which is the reason of pain. In turn this pain strengthens a muscular spasm. As a result "vicious circle" turns out. To break off it there is not enough only the anesthetizing drugs. In most cases the doctor appoints also soothing medicines.

Whether you know that:

The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.