Main > Diseases> Obstruction of respiratory tracts

Obstruction of respiratory tracts

Обструкция дыхательных путей у детей - лечение и профилактикаThe syndrome of impassability of a respiratory path observed at any level from a throat to bronchioles, is called obstruction of respiratory tracts. In most cases the state is caused by full closing or reduction of a gleam of a throat that becomes possible for the following reasons:

  • Hit in respiratory tracts of a foreign body;
  • Allergic, infectious and inflammatory diseases – bacterial tracheitis, Ludwig's quinsy, a fungal infection, retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abscess, a laryngotracheobronchitis and diphtheria;
  • Adenoides and lostintubatsionny hypostasis;
  • Burns and injuries of respiratory tracts;
  • System disturbances, tumors and cysts of a throat;
  • Hypertrophic tonsillitis;
  • Neurologic damages and post-tracheostomy stenosis;
  • Volume processes in areas, close to pneumatic ways and a throat.

Also inborn diseases to which number they belong can act as the reasons of obstruction of respiratory tracts:

  • Anomalies of craniofacial area;
  • Hypocalcemia and tracheosesophageal fistula;
  • To Laringomalyation and laringotsela;
  • Neurologic frustration;
  • Subcopular stenosis and vascular ring;
  • Birth trauma;
  • Tracheomalacia and tsistogigroma.

Allocate obstruction of upper and lower respiratory tracts, and also two of their forms – fulminant (acute) and chronic. Also in medicine it is accepted to divide stages of obstruction of respiratory tracts, namely:

  • Compensation;
  • Subcompensation;
  • Decompensation;
  • Asphyxia end-stage.

Obstruction of respiratory tracts and hypoventilation (breath disturbance) most often arises at patients at night. Hypoventilation in process of obstruction increase amplifies.

At the patients or victims who are in coma, obstruction can be provoked by an overshoot of respiratory tracts the sunk-down language.

Symptoms of obstruction of respiratory tracts

Obstruction of upper respiratory tracts usually arises at newborns and children of preschool age owing to anatomo-physiological features of a respiratory organs. This state is shown by the following symptoms:

  • Arterial hypotension;
  • The strengthened operation of the respiratory device;
  • Increase in the ABP and inspiratory asthma;
  • Absence at rest of cyanosis, at loading appears perioral or diffuse cyanosis;
  • Coma and spasms;
  • Tachycardia and bradycardia;
  • The increased perspiration;
  • Block and sharp pallor;
  • Breath paradox.

Obstruction of the lower respiratory tracts also most often occurs at children of younger age, and this state is shown by the following symptoms:

  • Impossibility of the patient to inhale air;
  • Emergence of a loud sound, rough noise or whistle during a breath;
  • Cough;
  • Delay of pulse;
  • Posineniye of integuments;
  • Swelling of lungs;
  • Apnoea.

At obstruction of respiratory tracts the foreign body observes development of an aphonia, cyanosis, and also acute respiratory insufficiency. At the same time the patient cannot speak, cough, breathe, he often grabs a throat, spasms can begin, develop an asfiksichesky syndrome. If the patient is not given the emergency help in time, he faints, and then there comes sudden death.

Treatment of obstruction of respiratory tracts

At identification of the first symptoms of obstruction of the patient it is necessary to bring to intensive care unit urgently. Often at a pre-hospital stage first-aid treatment is required. If obstruction of respiratory tracts is observed at the child, him it is impossible to leave one, it is important to calm the kid and to take on hands as fear, shout and concern can strengthen the stenosis phenomena. First aid directly depends on the reason which served to a state and also on expressiveness of obstruction.

If at respiratory tracts there is a foreign body, slime, emetic weight or liquid, it is necessary provided that the patient is in consciousness, to ask to try to clear the throat properly it. Or such manipulation does not help with cases when the patient cannot cough, it is possible for elimination of full obstruction of respiratory tracts a foreign body, at a pre-hospital stage, to apply Geymlikh's reception. The reception technique if the patient is in consciousness, consists in the following actions:

  • It is necessary to rise behind the back of the patient, to clasp him with hands and to press palms on a stomach, at the level above a navel;
  • It is sharp to squeeze a thorax bystry pushes of 4-5 times;
  • Then more slowly to continue to squeeze a thorax until the foreign body does not leave, and the patient will not begin to breathe normally.

If the patient is unconscious, Geymlikh's reception is carried out as follows:

  • The patient is laid a back on the floor;
  • The person giving first aid sits down on the victim's hips, puts one palm to the nadpupkovy area of the patient;
  • Puts the second palm on the first, then 5 times presses the bystry tolchkoobrazny movements on a stomach;
  • Then it is necessary to open a mouth of the victim and to try to take a foreign body the bent index finger.

If at the victim symptoms of the accruing obstruction of respiratory tracts and the hypoventilation which is gradually leading to a cardiac standstill are shown it is necessary to provide measures of the emergency resuscitation which cannot be performed without the special medical equipment.

Что делать при обструкции дыхательных путей инородным теломThe general principles of treatment of obstruction of respiratory tracts at children in medical institution, depending on a syndrome stage, are:

  • The measures directed to impassability recovery – reduction or elimination of a spasm and hypostasis of a mucous membrane of respiratory tracts;
  • Obstruction elimination – release of a gleam of a throat from a pathological secret;
  • Correction of metabolic disturbances;
  • Antibacterial therapy;
  • Trachea intubation;
  • Artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Obstruction of respiratory tracts call a state at which the patient has at the level from a throat to bronchioles an impassability of a respiratory path. The victim needs to provide first aid and in the shortest possible time to bring to intensive care unit.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.