Main > Diseases> Osteomyelitis


Short characteristic of a disease

Остеомиелит кости

Such disease as osteomyelitis is known to mankind already more than 3000 years. Hippocrates who the first gave the detailed description of a disease and advice concerning its treatment knew of it still. Today osteomyelitis meets much less often that is connected with universal distribution of antibiotics, but still hundreds of exploratory laboratories struggle with search of effective medicine against this pathology. Such attention of specialists is caused by the fact that osteomyelitis at children and adults affects directly tissues of a bone and marrow that very much and very dangerously, especially at early age.

The main disease-producing factors – staphylococcus and some other bacteria, in particular, rickettsiae or mushrooms. The hematogenous osteomyelitis arising owing to spread of an infection on blood vessels most often occurs at children. The hematogenous form is diagnosed for adults seldom. Except bacteria, osteomyelitis which treatment is an important problem of modern medicine can develop after an infection of the soft tissues adjacent to a bone, and acute changes when the infection gets in an organism through an avulsive wound.

Acute osteomyelitis – symptoms and a clinical picture

This form of an infection strikes both adults, and children. In the latter case osteomyelitis can develop owing to the postponed injuries or get through not begun to live umbilical cord right after the child's birth. Let's notice that at early age osteomyelitis of a bone does not pass into a chronic stage. It promotes bystry recovery of the child and defines lack of serious effects.

Treat the main signs of an acute form: the pain in the field of the defeat center amplifying at the movements of extremities, increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees, reddenings and swellings in places of development of an infection. In the analysis of samples of blood at patients the increased quantity of leukocytes and SOE comes to light. Precisely to define acute osteomyelitis which symptoms can match some other infections to the patient X-ray and the analysis of bacterial microflora is appointed. The bone puncture is in rare instances used. Treatment of an acute form assumes obligatory use of antibiotics.

Chronic osteomyelitis at children and adults

Develops from an acute form when therapeutic measures were taken too late. Besides, chronic osteomyelitis can turn out to be consequence of the use of incorrectly appointed antibiotics or some disturbances of a condition of a bone. As a rule, the chronic stage arises 10-12 weeks later after emergence of an acute form, respectively, it is necessary to take all measures for timely diagnosis of a disease and to see a doctor at the first suspicious symptoms, but not when because of an infection the patient cannot go any more.

As well as many other diseases, chronic osteomyelitis it is characterized by alternation of dormant periods and aggravations. At each person they have different duration that, apparently, is explained by specific features of an organism and degree of resilience to action of an infection. However, the patients suffering from a chronic form of osteomyelitis have also one general feature – burrowing. It is not possible to heal it therefore be vigilant and do not hesitate to go to the doctor at any suspicious symptoms.

Hematogenous osteomyelitis of a bone

At this form the infection extends on an organism together with a blood flow from already available infection focus. For statement of the exact diagnosis doctors use X-ray inspection. In a case with children its carrying out is possible not earlier than on the second or third weeks of life. If the child had a hematogenous osteomyelitis, symptoms are shown practically at once in the form of swellings in the field of the struck place and development of the accompanying osteoporosis. Certainly, the earlier the therapist will establish the reason of these phenomena, the better as it is very important not to allow spread of an infection on soft tissues.

Osteomyelitis – treatment by traditional methods and recipes of traditional medicine

Irrespective of a form, treatment of osteomyelitis is the labor-consuming and dragged-out on time process. Today doctors apply the most different techniques including surgical intervention when removal of the affected bone is made to disposal of an infection. But it is a last resort. As a rule, the bone manages to be kept thanks to modern techniques of treatment. One of carries the name of mechanical osteoperforation. Its essence is that acute or chronic osteomyelitis is blocked by means of introduction to a bone of special drugs. They as if erect a protective barrier around the infection center and do not allow it to extend to the next body parts.

Лечение остеомиелита кости

It should be noted that if bone osteomyelitis is diagnosed for the person, treatment is directed not only to elimination of an infection, but also to normalization of functioning of all vitals. So, for example, at osteomyelitis kidneys, a liver, a thyroid gland and immune system therefore medical actions include carrying out a number of analyses and regular observations of a condition of an organism often are surprised. Allow to minimize risk of operation also antibiotics, but consider that only the qualified doctor after complex survey of the patient can appoint them.

Along with traditional methods it is admissible to use national treatment of osteomyelitis. There are most effective recipes known to mankind for hundreds of years:

  • fill in flowers of arnica mountain with a glass of 40% of alcohol or usual vodka. Let's mix infuse within 10 days, then filter it and use in 30 minutes prior to food till 30-40 of drops;
  • rub a bulb on a small grater and mix it with polished laundry soap. Make a compress which is put to a sore point several times a day for 20-30 minutes of the turned-out weight;
  • impose sore points with the boiled oat straw and densely record by means of bandage or a gauze bandage. Pain will cease already several minutes later after imposing of a compress.

Certainly, national treatment of osteomyelitis cannot replace action of antibiotics and other modern drugs, but it will become excellent addition to traditional methods and will allow to get rid of unpleasant symptoms much quicker. Nevertheless, before use of any national recipes we recommend to you to consult to the attending physician.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.