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Симптомы периодонтита

The periodontium is a complex of fabrics which are between a fang and an alveolus (a tooth hole). One of widespread complications of caries (35-50% of total number) is periodontitis.

Periodontitis – an acute and chronic inflammation of a periodontium at which there is a disturbance of integrity of the sheaves holding tooth in an alveolus, a resorption of a bone tissue up to developing of cysts. The resorption of a bone of an alveolus results in pathological mobility of tooth.

Classification of periodontitis

The classification of periodontitis given below accepted in Russia has small discrepancies with its classification abroad. The Russian stomatologists allocate:

  • Acute periodontitis which is in turn subdivided on serous and purulent.
  • Chronic periodontitis – fibrous, granulating and granulematozny
  • The aggravated chronic periodontitis.

Reasons (etiology) of periodontitis

Treats the most important etiological factors of periodontitis: oral cavity microflora, occlusion (smack), abnormal provisions of teeth, tooth deposits. Important value has the general condition of digestive tract, a disease of nervous and endocrine systems, disbolism in an organism, a vitamin imbalance.

Periodontitis at children, as a rule, arises for the infectious and traumatic reason.

Characteristic symptoms of periodontitis

The arising periodontitis which symptoms are characteristic and are easily diagnosed, it is necessary to try to prevent right at the beginning. The timely address to the doctor is for this purpose strongly recommended. Especially this recommendation concerns parents who have small children – systematic control of dental health of the child depends on you.

The first signs of developing of periodontitis is unpleasant feelings of the "aching" gums at meal with different temperature conditions, gingiva bleeding when toothbrushing and an unpleasant smell from a mouth.

Acute periodontitis is, as a rule, characterized by emergence at the initial stage of sudden severe pains without external irritant in sick tooth. The feeling of the "grown" tooth, pain can cease at impact on the inflamed site cold. At the subsequent stage of development of an inflammation pain gains the pulsing character, emergence of a face edema is possible. At this stage the hyperadenosis and temperature increase at the patient to 38C is characteristic. If not to address the stomatologist, then in 1,5-2 weeks acute periodontitis passes into chronic.

Chronic periodontitis is followed by noticeable increase in mobility of teeth, their situation changes, interdental cracks are formed. Bleeding of gums can arise even without mechanical impact on them. Systematic release of pus, abscesses and an acute pain is observed.

Chronic periodontitis is characteristic the frequency – the exacerbation of periodontitis is replaced by a process zatikhaniye, and the patient during these periods can calm down, once again, postponing visit of the doctor. During the periods when there is an exacerbation of periodontitis, the gingiva reddens and swells up, the dentagra is constant and amplifies from a touch to tooth. Fervescence is observed.

The exacerbation of periodontitis demands surgical methods for the purpose of removal of purulent contents. It interferes with a necrosis of fabrics, distribution of an inflammation, liquidates or weakens pain. After removal of pus the doctor begins treatment of periodontitis.

Ways of diagnosis of periodontitis

Diagnosis of periodontitis is carried out by traditional clinical methods which allow to reveal the center of a disease and extent of development of inflammatory process. Diagnosing periodontitis for children, the doctor meets difficulties of collecting the anamnesis at the first stage – poll as the child perceives pain emotionally and can not always accurately report the feelings.

Clinical diagnosis of periodontitis includes:

  • patient's poll;
  • survey of an oral cavity;
  • sounding of an entrance to a pulp cavity;
  • carrying out temperature tests;
  • the palpation – is especially effective at children owing to features of a structure of children's jaws;
  • definition of mobility of tooth in way of progress and cave-in;
  • more exact establishment of the diagnosis are used: X-ray inspection, radioviziografiya, electric pulp test and transillumination.

Treatment of periodontitis

Незаменимая паста при лечении периодонтита

Having diagnosed periodontitis, treatment the doctor appoints, as a rule, complex and step-by-step. Treatment of acute periodontitis, as a rule, demands immediate intervention and includes:

  • elimination of the center of an inflammation (pus conclusion);
  • complex physiotherapeutic to a protsed
  • subsequent sealing.

At inefficiency of treatment there is an odontectomy.

If the patient already had a transition from acute to chronic periodontitis, treatment is carried out depending on complexity and development of a disease. And from at what stage of a disease of the patient falls into the professional's hands, efficiency of all subsequent procedures depends.

Periodontitis at children is accompanied by some features of use of above-mentioned methods of treatment. Conservative therapy not in all cases allows to achieve elimination of the center of an infection. For treatment of periodontitis at the child, the doctor has to carry out careful and full diagnosis to be sure that inflammatory process did not extend to a rudiment of a second tooth

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