Main > Diseases> Pyoderma



From all skin diseases the pyoderma at which on the surface of skin pustules are formed most often meets. Such prevalence is explained by the fact that at skin even of the healthy person there is a large number of causative organisms which can become more active at decrease in protective forces of an organism.

The pyoderma – a disease out-of-season, but is noted some growth of pustulous infections during the autumn and winter period. In the countries the disease meets roast and a humid climate during the whole year equally often and on prevalence concedes only to fungus diseases of skin.

Pyodermas children, people of low social and hygienic culture and employees of those enterprises whose activity is connected with processing of wood, agricultural products, rocks, and also transportation of passengers and loads are most of all subject.

Pyoderma reasons

Provocative factors of development of a pyoderma are overheating or cooling, high air humidity, pollution of a surface of skin, overfatigue, stressful conditions, damages of integuments of varying severity, a disease of bodies of digestive tract and a metabolism.

At a pyoderma sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles most often are surprised, but also deeper penetration of an infection at which furuncles with one purulent core or an anthrax with two and more cores develop meets.

The pyoderma can be acute and chronic, the nature of disease and its weight depends on the general condition of an organism, inflammation center depth, and also existence of associated diseases.

Pyoderma symptoms

Первый симптом пиодермии - гиперемия

Symptoms of a pyoderma depend on localization of process, depth and the amount of defeat. As a rule, in the place where the inflammation begins, there is a small hyperemia in which center the yellow point with purulent contents is noticeable. Morbidity and a small itch is noted. The general state, as a rule, does not suffer, body temperature normal. The pyoderma at children proceeds is more expressed because the child can comb unconsciously places where there are pustules, and the infection extends on all body.

The pyoderma of the person, so-called vulgar eels when inflammatory process takes sebaceous glands is most noticeable for people around. In an initial stage of a disease on skin there are black points - Cametonum, on site which in process of development of a pyoderma eels are formed. Purulent educations can be various on depth and external dimensions. In hard cases of a disease merge of several eels in one center of an inflammation is possible. On recovery on site of defeat there is a characteristic ospovidny hem.

If deeper layers of skin are surprised and the furuncle develops, then the radius of a hyperemia increases, and in the center the pustule appears. At its opening the core after which removal there is an ulcer is bared by a surgical or natural way. At suppuration morbidity and local temperature increase is noted. At a pyoderma of this kind furuncles can be both single, and multiple. After healing on site of infection the scar forms.

Pustules, also big by the size, meet at a pyoderma of hair follicles. Despite sharp morbidity, in folliculites, unlike a furuncle, there is no purulent core.

The general condition of an organism considerably worsens at development of an anthrax: body temperature increases, the headache, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication develops. The patient tries not to make excess movements as it causes painful pain.

Favourite places for such manifestations of a pyoderma are the nape and a back, a little less often suppuration develops on a breast and a stomach. Existence of several cores which removal leads to emergence of extensive is characteristic of an anthrax is long the healing ulcer. On site infection the dense node of a crimson and cyanotic shade surrounded with the roller of edematous fabric is formed. The emitted pus of a dense consistence with blood impurity. Recovery comes to the end with formation of a rough hem.

Treatment of a pyoderma

Treatment at a pyoderma is directed to improvement of an organism both from within, and outside.

Topical treatment:

Местное лечение пиодермии - обработка кожных покрововIt is necessary to provide rational care of integuments. If the pyoderma of the localized form, that is the inflammation centers single, is not recommended to wash skin in these parts. Whereas at prevalence of process it is forbidden to take the general baths in general. It becomes to exclude transmission of infection on healthy skin.

With the same purpose processing of the unimpaired integuments around the center of suppuration of 0,1% by aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or 1-2% of spirit solution of salicylic acid is used.

In those places where there are pustules, antiseptic solutions which destroy the activator are applied and promote more bystry healing. The inflammation center at a pyoderma is processed by spirit solution of diamond greens, Kastelyani's paint, Unguentum Ichthyoli or Vishnevsky's ointment. The good effect gives uviolizing. It is undesirable to use spirtovy solution of iodine for treatment of a pyoderma, otherwise strengthening of inflammatory process is possible.

General treatment:

At a chronic current of a pyoderma, the big area of defeat, existence of complications, an aggravation of symptoms to the patient the antibioticotherapia course is appointed. The single dose, frequency of giving, a way of introduction and duration of a course of drug intake are defined only by the doctor, self-treatment is inadmissible. Before an initiation of treatment of a pyoderma it is required to carry out crops of the purulent microorganism separated regarding sensitivity to different types of antibiotics.

At intolerance of antibiotics for treatment of a pyoderma sulfanamide drugs are used.

As an additional tool nonspecific methods of treatment are successfully used: vitamin therapy, autohemotherapy, administration of immunoglobulins.

Treatment of a pyoderma at furuncles and an anthrax only operational, after opening of an abscess to the patient is appointed the corresponding therapy. The remained cicatricial changes can be greased with special creams or to resort to services of cosmetologists.

At children treatment of a pyoderma needs to be begun at the first symptoms of a disease. The delay threatens not only with external spread of an infection, but also its leaving inside that threatens with development of such heavy complications as sepsis, osteomyelitis and other diseases.

Prevention of a pyoderma

Prevention measures at a pyoderma are directed to observance of sanitary and hygienic rules and the prevention of microtraumas. It is also necessary to carry out timely processing by antiseptic solutions of integuments at emergence of scratches, grazes and other small wounds.

In the presence of chronic diseases of digestive tract or a metabolism it is necessary to carry out timely treatment for the prevention of a recurrence.

Prevention of a pyoderma at children at infantile age consists in observation of pregnant women in clinic for women. Future mothers are recommended to increase immunity, in time to treat the infection centers, and also to observe a work-rest schedule.

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